Big Bike Thread

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yes, but some lub may well reduce said grinding on the drivechain!!
and do i detect some photoshoppage. its like a cosmetic advert; the dirty bike shots are dark and dingy, but hey preso when claen aand conditioned its all bright and the walls and pavement are bright too!!

we can see through it you know ;) :)
Mr Mag00 said:
and do i detect some photoshoppage. its like a cosmetic advert; the dirty bike shots are dark and dingy, but hey preso when claen aand conditioned its all bright and the walls and pavement are bright too!!

we can see through it you know ;) :)

Under-exposed the last two photos as the sun had gone in, so i wacked the levels up in PSP.

Ok, i give in, you got me, i actually photoshopped my entire bike to look clean, when its still indeed outside covered in mud :rolleyes: ;)
Tight fast singletrack, freezing conditions at night then thawing during the daytime. So when people ride through the mud it creates ruts, these freeze, then **** up the singletrack. It's generally accepted and preferred around here that for a few weeks it's better to avoid the trails to minimise the damage.
6thElement said:
Tight fast singletrack, freezing conditions at night then thawing during the daytime. So when people ride through the mud it creates ruts, these freeze, then **** up the singletrack. It's generally accepted and preferred around here that for a few weeks it's better to avoid the trails to minimise the damage.

See i dont have that problem.......i have the problem with dumpers and digger driving along the trails to fix up the whole forrest. I think i need some traction control for hills. :(

S'all groovy on the way down though. :D

That chain is screaming its in so much pain,right now i have to clean and oil the chain every couple of days. Rain + mud + frequent use seems to make it brown sooo quick. Muc off chain cleaner + a rub down makes it all shiny again in no time though. What lube do you think i should use,i use wet lube because it seems to last longer but it seems to get dirtier quicker.......but dry lube doesnt seem to stand up long enough but doenst get as manky looking.
Drazic said:
Hope is owned by Ian and Allan whom are family. If i'm not sponsered then why do i have a set of custom gloss white Pro II's here, custom Hope mono trials and a few other bits? Oh and not pay anyhting for it at all??

Todge and me have fallen out. if i get a frame off anyone i expect it to work out the box and not have someone turn around and ask for £370 more ontop of £400 fo soemthing that didn;t.

My proto from Pulo costs me £150 for 2 delivered, custom the lot and thats with a 12 month warranty! Thats mine and Ash's sorted

Its not really sponosrship though now is it pete? I mean, if hope were to announce their list of sponsored riders you wouldn't be on it. You've gotten some parts off someone you claim is a family member. My uncle owns some company that makes remote control cars (£200 ones not £15 ones from argos), he gave me one and it in no way meant i was sponsored by them.

Todge built you a custom frame that you designed. He charges that much for his custom builds and yours was no exception... if you'd wanted a working frame you'd have thought about it a bit better.
Guess what weescott has a shot of for the weekend!!! :D

Mr Mag00 said:
anychance you 2 can take this somewhere else, its a 'bike pic' thread not bikers pick at each other thread. Thanks

This kid follows me all over the net! He won't speak 121 with me on anyhting..lame! ANYWAYS....

Photos of the Fresh Products MC2 proto. It lasted all of 5 mins. rear end felxes morew than a Ann Summer toy and when i did a static gap of 6ft with a twist all the carbon spacer that sat over 8mm thick stainless steel sharfts snaped, cracked and bent. Oh bolts stripped. Rear discmount doesn;t work as it's off, mech hanger and surplied tensioner does not work as there too thick, geo is off by 5mm all round and 1* at headtube, BB was fitted wrong and took ages to correct as new one had to be machined.

FP still are not offering to fix or reinburse me at all so sod em!





Oh and yeah Kitchen tables have a wicked sense of purpos.

Geo is

+80mm height
1115mm WB
385mm chainstays
+40mm disc (surpose to be at least)
4 bolt moutns
72* head angle

My new proto of my own personal compnay will be here next week hopefully pending customs. It's coming from China
Looks pretty cool that.

My main concern that when being used for mountain biking, mud getting everywhere in the frame, and also things getting stuck in the gaps in frames e.g. twigs/branches etc.
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