*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Done half a stone this first week, shows how much excess poundage I have from just sugary stuff.

I'll probably be able to get back to 15 stone by the end of the month, then I expect it will start slowing down. My knee is almost there so I'll be able to jump on the exercise bike soon too.

The Mrs is also on board with the changes to meals at home, I think she's lost a couple of pounds as well. We'd booked a holiday for next August well in advance so that should give us some nice long term motivation to keep going.
Oh shoot, we've got the mince pies in the house already! I've scoffed two.

I had to be so disciplined with mince pies last year! They’re so hard to resist. Glad you’ve started early!!

Beer advent calendars are great :D had a coffee one too (slightly less good), but the best are still chocolate.

Need to get properly focused if I’m going to get to Christmas in any shape to be able to enjoy the festive eatings. Still haven’t got down to my pre Christmas 2023 weight :eek:
Well the Chinese takeaway wasn't too bad, they had a chicken and seasonal veg option which wasn't too saucy - it would have been pretty good if I hadn't had my wife's leftovers the next day!

A drink turned into three on Friday but Sunday's breakfast was fairly good (macro-wise at least!). I averaged a pound up from last week over the weekend but it's coming back down.
Decent cycle in the gym on the back of a run in calorie deficit has resulted in having a very hungry evening. I should still be in deficit by about 400 kcal today, but needed every ounce of willpower not to eat all the cake. People at work are way too nice to me trying to feed me cake :cry:

Hoping I can get another cycle in this week to help the overall deficit. I'm hoping that I'm able to break back under 90kg regularly with another committed week.
Due to the nature of my job I dropped down to 62kg and a 30" waist. Have bought myself some weights and coupled with various protein supplements (whey powder, shakes and bars) I'm starting to put mass back on to get up to 70kg. Got a set of those scales that measure a few parameters too.

Welcome aboard! Adds a different angle to the thread, coping when perhaps NOT hungry, and such.

I guess you still have similarities with weight loss though, in that you need to make sure you eat plenty of the right stuff.

A friend used to have trouble with weight gain, and saw it as license to eat whatever he liked. He wasn’t aware of what visceral fat was at the time.
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Welcome aboard! Adds a different angle to the thread, coping when perhaps NOT hungry, and such.

I guess you still have similarities with weight loss though, in that you need to make sure you eat plenty of the right stuff.

A friend used to have trouble with weight gain, and saw it as license to eat whatever he liked. He wasn’t aware of what visceral fat was at the time.
Thanks, but I've been posting in this thread for a while now. I started at ~100kg.
Whoop, back under 100kg (99.90kg :D)

Am off work next week, but i'm hoping the last few weeks of not drinking at home is going to form a decent habit to take forward. I'm also still missing some taste, and the last beer i had last weekend wasn't particularly enjoyable. I think if i could get a big Double IPA or something heavily hopped i'd enjoy it, but a lager just tastes like it's a shandy but made with water. Slight taste but not enjoyable enough.

Managed a few short easy bike rides too. Yesterday i learnt it's much better to stick with nose breathing too so that wind doesn't impact my throat.
Whoop, back under 100kg (99.90kg :D)

Am off work next week, but i'm hoping the last few weeks of not drinking at home is going to form a decent habit to take forward. I'm also still missing some taste, and the last beer i had last weekend wasn't particularly enjoyable. I think if i could get a big Double IPA or something heavily hopped i'd enjoy it, but a lager just tastes like it's a shandy but made with water. Slight taste but not enjoyable enough.

Managed a few short easy bike rides too. Yesterday i learnt it's much better to stick with nose breathing too so that wind doesn't impact my throat.

Nice work! I think beer is your Achilles heel! Keep off that and you’ll make progress I reckon.

I had a good few days under 90kg this week. Even had a high 88 reading! Have been quite strict and have been logging total intakes of around 1800 kcal. Bit above today which is frustrating but that could have been the two small glasses of wine late last night and the slightly bigger carb intake last night (270g of mash) - probably did an hour cycling around town yesterday on the back of another busy week at work so the calorie deficit has been pretty draining. Hoping a big bike ride today will offset a takeaway and keep things progressing. Mirror test and the 34” trousers fitting better are all positives too!

@Malevolence - enjoy the bulk! I’ve got a way to go before I can think about that! Need to cut first.
Since August i've gone from 12 st 2 to 11 st 11. I am happy with this but i am finding it hard on some days as it has been affecting sleep. I'll wake in the night and it takes a while to get back. Also finding my stomach has slight discomfort, it's not pain but its like its trying to tell me its hungry without that normal hunger feeling.

Anyone relate?
Having cut down before the school holidays, I lumped back on over 6lb during them, as soon as I lose routine I am out of control.

I've never been one to demonise carbs, but 95% of the food I would binge out on would be sweets/chocolate/bread and my portion control was just non-existent as I never ever felt full.

Always been a 'balanced' type of person but in the midst of a rubbish few weeks and feeling low (hence the eating) - I've tried keto.

13 days in, I can't even explain the change in terms of energy that I have. I used to drink a pre-workout in the AM, then another in the afternoon (I hate coffee)

Now I just have one before the gym, never feel tired, I rarely feel starving anymore and 9lb down so far (I know a lot of this is water weight!)

It's so easy also, I feel like myself again and motivation is very high, even started cycling to work alongside my gym routine!
2.5 hour (43 mile) cycle on Saturday was slightly painful as one of my pedals decided it wanted to come off! Legs feeling the calorie deficit today, but going to head to the gym regardless for a cycle. Make hay while the sun shines!
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