*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

It looks like I'm going to be jumping into gear in the next week, I've been steadily piling on some pounds over the last couple of years but the amount of exercise I do has just dwindled into nothingness, just extremely lazy these days with no excuse.

I was about 12 1/2 stone several years ago, that crept up to 15 and levelled out there for a good while. The last few months I've really noticed a difference though, I feel like I've just wasted away strength wise and gained even more fat, my knees have felt really strained at times and I sometimes get horrendous upper back pain when out and about for longer periods of time. I jumped on the scales this morning when cleaning the bathroom and was expecting to see it jump up a little, but was quite shocked when it flew straight over 16 1/2 stone, actually taking a bit of time to look in the mirror after that was a bit of a wake up moment to how terrible I'm starting to look.

The Mrs has really struggled with her weight too since our daughter came along so if I can kick myself into shape hopefully it will help put us in a position to help her along as well. Food wise we don't actually eat that terribly in our main meals, I pretty much cook everything from scratch, it's just our portion sizes get way out of control and something always gets added in on the side or a dessert picked up for later. Too many sweet treats and fizzy drinks on the side as well, that's one thing we've done badly with recently. I'd actually gone cold turkey from them the other year and started to see good results but timed it very poorly just before we went on holiday with Christmas following shortly afterwards.

I've got my chart paper out over my desk so I think Monday is going to be weigh in day and I'm just going to cut out a lot of the sweet stuff and unnecessary extras as quickly as possible and gradually reduce portions sizes as I go. School starts next week so I can start walking the daughter to and from again and do a few little calisthenic things at home. The exercise bike is back in my room now too so once I'm over a bit of a sore knee I currently have I aim to jump on there most days, hopefully in the next week or two. I felt like rubbish for a good month after dropping all the sweet stuff last time and then came through it and felt good, full of energy and no cravings, I think when I do the same this time I'll start to increase things at that point, otherwise I'm just going to be wrecked taking it all on at once. My brother and dad are at a gym together so that would be the perfect point to gently join in there and start building myself back up a bit.
I went to the hospital and had some tests but due to some confusion I ended up leaving without officially being discharged. Had to remove the canula back at home!

Don’t think there’s any anxiety. I’d have no qualms going back there for a night out when I’m recovered. Just bad luck but I generally move on from things quickly. My wife hints I’m slightly sociopathic!

Only real concern is long term health issues. I think the spiking destroyed my immune system which opened me up to whatever this infection is. I don’t recall a time I can remember being this ill. Historically I’ve always avoided bugs with the only memorable illness as an adult was 12years ago for food poisoning.
Just hear so much around long recovery following Covid and with it being closely linked to CFS which my wife has it’s a real worry for me if I end up like that. It’s been horrific for this week having such low energy!
Not turning it into a medical thread, you should prob speak to you GP if anything to get the results of the tests you had. Keep us in the loop and i hope you recover fully soon!

I finally checked out from 01/08/2024 to 01/09/2024 at 13.6 lbs down. That fast rate is unrealistic to keep up but there's plenty that needs to come off. Something i have noticed the last day or 2 is my back pain has resurfaced, dull background pain/ache in my lower back and the last week to 10 days my sleeps so hit and miss. I have 1 good night then 2 shocking nights sleep. (Hence why im posting at 2:30 am lol)
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Probably, here in Spain there's an app similar to the NHS app which is meant to have all medical documents, so i kept hoping it'd be on there, but no sign of it. Making an appointment is also a bit of a pain due to language.

On the plus side today was 99.9kg. All it's taken is one of the worst illness of my life! Luckily caught it without kissing @Raymond Lin
i am struggling with my weight big time , i am pretty good with my Food During the Day but when it gets to the evening and kids go to bed i can eat a full Choc bar and crisps and i cant think as to why i am doing it.

I have done this for years now and with me getting older closing in on the 40 mark i want to loose the weight and be around for my kids.

I just dont know where to start.
i am struggling with my weight big time , i am pretty good with my Food During the Day but when it gets to the evening and kids go to bed i can eat a full Choc bar and crisps and i cant think as to why i am doing it.

I have done this for years now and with me getting older closing in on the 40 mark i want to loose the weight and be around for my kids.

I just dont know where to start.

This was always my biggest downfall, it's just boredom isn't it. I used to wait for the wife to go to bed, then eat 4 crumpets or so. The problem is it easily becomes habit/routine that's automatic.

The only thing you can do is try and break that cycle through willpower i think. Do it for a week or 2 and it'll be easier from there on. Other option is to not have the stuff in the house, but it's hard doing that without it feeling like a punishment for others in the house.
This was always my biggest downfall, it's just boredom isn't it. I used to wait for the wife to go to bed, then eat 4 crumpets or so. The problem is it easily becomes habit/routine that's automatic.

The only thing you can do is try and break that cycle through willpower i think. Do it for a week or 2 and it'll be easier from there on. Other option is to not have the stuff in the house, but it's hard doing that without it feeling like a punishment for others in the house.
Yeah it is wasnt so much a problem when i was working in a manual Job now am at a desk most days. i am just going to have to use will power , we did take stuff out the house but with 2 kids running about wanting sweets and so on its hard not to have it there.

the worst thing is i currently Vape and will continue to do so till i return from my hol in a Couple weeks ( In laws are going with us ) hence the stopping after. so i will then have to contend with doing both at the same time. stop eating and stop smoking.

i found this here so at least i know there is like a support Group of sorts.
Yeah it is wasnt so much a problem when i was working in a manual Job now am at a desk most days. i am just going to have to use will power , we did take stuff out the house but with 2 kids running about wanting sweets and so on its hard not to have it there.

the worst thing is i currently Vape and will continue to do so till i return from my hol in a Couple weeks ( In laws are going with us ) hence the stopping after. so i will then have to contend with doing both at the same time. stop eating and stop smoking.

i found this here so at least i know there is like a support Group of sorts.

I can see that, i remember the first time i really ballooned was from going from working in Manchester and getting the train with ~3-4 miles of walking between stations and then around the town centre during lunch breaks to working on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere and driving door to door. Always desk based but those commuting walks did a lot to fend off a bad diet.

Yeah, this place certainly helps. There's a lot of support and it's great to see inspiration no matter how weak you can be be yourself (see most of my contributions!)

What helped for me, was to put snacks in our bedroom wardrobe. That way when my wife went to bed early they weren't available to me as i wouldn't want to disturb her. If your kids are young and still go through you to get them, then making them less accessible might be an option?
I can see that, i remember the first time i really ballooned was from going from working in Manchester and getting the train with ~3-4 miles of walking between stations and then around the town centre during lunch breaks to working on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere and driving door to door. Always desk based but those commuting walks did a lot to fend off a bad diet.

Yeah, this place certainly helps. There's a lot of support and it's great to see inspiration no matter how weak you can be be yourself (see most of my contributions!)

What helped for me, was to put snacks in our bedroom wardrobe. That way when my wife went to bed early they weren't available to me as i wouldn't want to disturb her. If your kids are young and still go through you to get them, then making them less accessible might be an option?

Yeah have asked the wife to Hide them from me today as she has the day off that way i cant get to them or find them. Some days i find am not too bad others i could eat a a choc bar crisps then have 4 slices of toast. i have always struggled with my weight tbh never been the smallest but as am getting older now is defo the time to really crack down on my self.

but thanks for the advice @Martynt74
I can see that, i remember the first time i really ballooned was from going from working in Manchester and getting the train with ~3-4 miles of walking between stations and then around the town centre during lunch breaks to working on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere and driving door to door. Always desk based but those commuting walks did a lot to fend off a bad diet.

Yeah, this place certainly helps. There's a lot of support and it's great to see inspiration no matter how weak you can be be yourself (see most of my contributions!)

What helped for me, was to put snacks in our bedroom wardrobe. That way when my wife went to bed early they weren't available to me as i wouldn't want to disturb her. If your kids are young and still go through you to get them, then making them less accessible might be an option?

I need a kiss from you! I am back at 82kg.....
i have always struggled with my weight tbh never been the smallest but as am getting older now is defo the time to really crack down on my self.
Have you tried logging food in an app like MyFitnessPal. I think that really opened my eyes, when you realise how many calories you should be eating and how many you actually are.

Try it for a week and be really strict with yourself, do your best to log everything (even if you're guessing a little). I think it made a big difference for me.

I know I'll regret it next week, but I'm on a family holiday this week, so logging has paused and I'm allowing myself to snack and eat a lot more than I should. It will probably put 3 or 4lbs on, which I'll then spend 4 weeks removing again :cry: Mind you, I've got another trip away in 2 weeks, but at least it's a cycling trip so I can usually burn off enough that I can just about break even.
Have you tried logging food in an app like MyFitnessPal. I think that really opened my eyes, when you realise how many calories you should be eating and how many you actually are.

Try it for a week and be really strict with yourself, do your best to log everything (even if you're guessing a little). I think it made a big difference for me.

I know I'll regret it next week, but I'm on a family holiday this week, so logging has paused and I'm allowing myself to snack and eat a lot more than I should. It will probably put 3 or 4lbs on, which I'll then spend 4 weeks removing again :cry: Mind you, I've got another trip away in 2 weeks, but at least it's a cycling trip so I can usually burn off enough that I can just about break even.
Thanks Will defo get that app so i can track everything , i am away from this upcoming weekend so will get it installed then i can track it when am back no point trying to do it at an all inclusive
I know I'll regret it next week, but I'm on a family holiday this week, so logging has paused and I'm allowing myself to snack and eat a lot more than I should. It will probably put 3 or 4lbs on, which I'll then spend 4 weeks removing again :cry: Mind you, I've got another trip away in 2 weeks, but at least it's a cycling trip so I can usually burn off enough that I can just about break even.

Any reason you don't log even on those weeks? I've not been logging stuff the last week or so, mainly because i've barely functioned as a human at all, but i still try and record the bad days just to get trending rather than have the gap. Obviously it's hard to be precise but i try and just take a guess "Buffet 1500kcal" for example.
Any reason you don't log even on those weeks?
I think it's a few things. The main one is it is a holiday, so almost a reward in that I'm just going to enjoy myself. If I fancy a biscuit, I'm having a biscuit... As I said in the post, I'm 'allowing myself'. It's a conscious decision. It's partly because of a second reason in that it just is harder to log when you're eating out or people are making things for you etc. When at home, I control everything myself, I know how many cals everything is and it is just easier to do. For one day, I would maybe make the effort, but for five days I'd rather just enjoy my holiday.
@Martynt74 - take the positive of the weight. I do hope you feel better soon. Use that <100kg to reinvigorate and motivate your efforts. I can see you weighing 100.1kg next week and beating yourself up though, keep to the good habits and perhaps knock alcohol on the head for a couple more weeks while you recover fully.

@Fringe - I think you’ve identified where the problem lies. Accountability in the form of tracking what you eat accurately is absolutely key. Use an app to count calories. Get the scales out to get an idea of your portion sizes. Having kids is really tough for healthy eating habits, but it sounds like you have made the first step which is identifying the problem.
@Martynt74 - take the positive of the weight. I do hope you feel better soon. Use that <100kg to reinvigorate and motivate your efforts. I can see you weighing 100.1kg next week and beating yourself up though, keep to the good habits and perhaps knock alcohol on the head for a couple more weeks while you recover fully.

Yeah, think booze is getting hit on the head for a while. I need to focus on recovery and it's been an eye opener. I think it helps that i was doing the reading pre this instance around alcohol and it's effect on the body overall from a weight loss/recovery point of view so have better knowledge than i possibly otherwise would have.

If i can stay under 101kg i'll be pretty happy i think. I've eaten normally the last few days, and don't think my weight loss has come from the usual aspects, as i've not had vomiting/diarrhoea so not like i've been expelling massive amounts of fluids which is usually the main cause of illness related weight loss which rapidly returns.
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