Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Are they baggy? I got some free with my helmet and I don't like them, don't sit right and you could fit 2 legs into each side!

You sure they're Hoods you got free?! They're not particularly cheap jeans.

They can cut them to size for you, so you can have a weird waist/length combo if you need to. Mine aren't baggy at all.
Yeah hood jeans are great, they look like normal jeans and aren't baggy like most bike jeans. I'll order a pair of normal denim ones next I think, I have the stone ones but wearing them when the roads are still dirtyish they get dirty quite quickly.

Best thing about them is they're long enough for me in the legs. I'm a skinny git too, and they fit me well.
You sure they're Hoods you got free?! They're not particularly cheap jeans.

They can cut them to size for you, so you can have a weird waist/length combo if you need to. Mine aren't baggy at all.

I think they are hornee jeans, not cheap though, £120 a pair.
They're probably going to be a totally different fit to Hood jeans though, in the same way my RST Kevlar jeans are a totally different fit to my Hoods.
@tom_e, Cheers, I'll have a look at those.
@wazza300, +20% off
I've large hands, but skinny and usually XL length wise is spot on, but I can nearly fit 2 fingers in 1 slot. So I went with Large and its a bit tighter than my Dainese summer gloves.

I hate my RST, buggy as hell and they lift up as I sit on a bike...

I'm 6ft1 (187cm) and weigh just over 12 stone (78kg). :p
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I worn the RST jeans and Hoods. I hated the RST because they were so damn tight in the crotch area, yes, I have a big penis. I just didn't get on with the RSTs but I've had my Hoods for 3 years now and not had a problem. Not bad considering I've worn them every day for commuting. Need to get another pair; I bet mine smell of farts or something without me knowing it :p
How much do you weigh than?

I need to get some leathers at some point too, but I'll leave track day for next year. This year will get to know the bike better...
I'm scared to say,8 n half stone

What make of leathers you fancy?

:eek: Please tell me you're like 5ft 1 :D

I'm dead skinny, 6ft 3 and 12st 4lb at the moment. Finally realised (at nearly 35 :() that I shoudl really get in shape so I'm hitting the gym :) If I need a new leather jacket this time next year then I'll call that a result :D
started my new job today and it seems most of my co-workers are also motorcyclists. Chuffed.

I'm about 5ft 11 (never made the prestigious 6' club) and just under 13.5 stone which I always thought was an average weight for someone my height. Though I've not been to them gym properly in a few months and need to get back on it.
Over 6ft,either 6ft1 or 6ft 2,I'll have to check again

I really feel the cold aswell so I have to wear a t shirt and two thick jumpers under my bike coat ATM,I've lost a stone in weight
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