Does this router give off much heat?
I want to hide it away in a cupboard (don't ask) but I'm worried about it overheating.
Not IMO it's well vented
Does this router give off much heat?
I want to hide it away in a cupboard (don't ask) but I'm worried about it overheating.
Be interesting to see how people find this release. Haven't the last couple of releases been a disaster?
Has anyone had problems with the router where the Wifi signal and speed will decrease dramatically when moving between different rooms for example on my laptop I can get a solid 60mbps when I'm right next to the router but if I move to another room I only get around 20-30mbps, as for the my iPhone 5 this can be anything from 20mbps to 4mpbs but when thats right next to the router it gets 40mbps. I have tried all the channels but this has not resolved it.
Just wondering what else I can try? Would it be worth considering purchasing the Billion BiPac 3100SN 300 Mbps Wireless-N Wall Plug Access Point Repeater ?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your response,
I have just tried setting it up to the same as yours but unfortunately this has not made any difference. I have also tried changing the beacon interval but this has not worked either.