Bioware's Anthem

4GB patch and the game is just so broken now, never played such a poor game before. EA should get shutdown for releasing this!

It'll be Bio getting the chop not EA, after all Bioware Montreal got the chop after ME: Andromeda's rather lack lustre showing so i reckon Bioware Edmonton is probably facing the same fate.
It'll be Bio getting the chop not EA, after all Bioware Montreal got the chop after ME: Andromeda's rather lack lustre showing so i reckon Bioware Edmonton is probably facing the same fate.

And the funny thing is this is all down to EA slapping ridiculous deadlines on the devs so the overall quality of the game goes down. As usual the ballbags at the top dictating when games have to be out for keep their jobs while everyone else gets the blame and the boot.
It'll be Bio getting the chop not EA, after all Bioware Montreal got the chop after ME: Andromeda's rather lack lustre showing so i reckon Bioware Edmonton is probably facing the same fate.
I liked ME: Andromeda, had over 100 hour on it, not played any other ME games though and I got it after it had been patch. If they patch Anthem so it works it could be ok.
And the funny thing is this is all down to EA slapping ridiculous deadlines on the devs

Eh, normally I'd agree but they've been working on this for 6 years so there's really no excuse for the amount of issues this game has especially when in that time they've seen the mistakes of Division, D3 and Destiny 2 and completely ignored all the lessons to be learned from them

**** like this -

It's like there was zero quality control and the devs never bothered to actually play what they were making
It still looks good but too many of the downgrades after seeing that is quite depressing. Especially the missing foliage. Plus from what I've read, no ultra widescreen support yet for those immersive PC gamers.

Watch Dogs situation all over again.

The question I'd like to know is, why such drastic changes? Was the E3 2017 on a high end PC then gimped for consoles because the framerate would tank...

It's irritating that this is now part and parcel of game releases. They show off things that look really impressive then dumb it down substantially for the final release. Crysis back in 2007 was no different with the jungle fight vids that actually seemed to be pre-renders more than they were actual gameplay.

Speaking of Watch Dogs, I think it's probably a similar situation. You can see here ( that even with mGPUs you'd have been hard pressed to really run the game fluidly, especially since that's still not fully maxed out. And that's after the downgrade.

If we look at WD2 and the myriad of options it offers, it shows a similar story ( - the game simply murders GPUs.

Thing about all these settings is, there's not a linear increase in the power demand. So the further you push the quicker the curve jumps up for power-demand. I'm sure there's room for further optimizations in there but unlikely to be anything major, and certainly not immediately. And of course, they're not simply designing the game with maximum graphical fidelity in mind, they also have to account for consoles, lower end PCs, all the troubleshooting that goes with that etc. A resources problem ultimately, at both ends (cost & revenue).

Another important point is, Bioware isn't that technically gifted of a studio(s). I'm sure they get help from Dice but they can't hold their hands all the time. I always think of the example of Galactic Civilizations 3 vs Civilization 6 as a useful illustration of this issue. Even though Firaxis is a WAY bigger studio, with a bigger budget and all that, nonetheless they put out a strictly inferior product on the technical side compared to GC3, whose main optimizations rely on Brad Wardell's occasional focus (read here: And of course he's not the only such exception, another one we can think of is John Carmack & id Engine. I'm sure there's a similar story here with Bioware, they simply don't have these exceptional individuals on the technical side (nor anymore on any other side apparently).
Was very close buying this,but some sense didnt allow me,after ME:Andromeda was a bit sceptical about Bio,even tho E3 reveal looked really good,wanted some other looter/shooter before Div 2...seems dodged bullet.
Sad,as i really wanted Anthem to be good,but the more i watch and read,its very clear this game is absolutely not finished,Div 2 is head and shoulders above this
The Angryjoe review was pretty funny on this one. It made me laugh when he showed how broken the loot drops were with a flamethrower that granted 0% increased flame damage along with 0 damage over 0 seconds :D

I for one can't even get passed the second mission, it just kicks me out after loading for a few minutes. Can't find a group and can't play solo, glad I didn't pay for it!
Since trying all the fixes mentioned on this forum and elsewhere for Nvidia control panel and my SSD I've managed to increase my fps and the game is running smoother and it's now playable but it's still not perfect.

I'm running the game at 1080p btw.

I've got it running smooth 90% of the time with the odd stutters and jerking here and there. Especially in huge fight scenes when it gets chaotic with many enemies on screen at the same time my fps goes down. Sometimes I have 45fps and other times I have 75fps. Just depends whats going on.

I'm just happy I'm able to play again but still hoping for a patch to fix the 100% CPU usage issue. And maybe perhaps Nvidia can release a new patch to help too?
I think they pushed it out just so it was out before the Division 2, as soon as that's out Anthem will be done. Hope they fix it though as it could be good for a quick blast every now an then.
The Angryjoe review was pretty funny on this one. It made me laugh when he showed how broken the loot drops were with a flamethrower that granted 0% increased flame damage along with 0 damage over 0 seconds :D

I for one can't even get passed the second mission, it just kicks me out after loading for a few minutes. Can't find a group and can't play solo, glad I didn't pay for it!

Angryjoes review for it is superb. One of his longest reviews ever and he utterly tears into it.
I’ve actually really enjoyed the combat and flying around, feeling like iron man. Its disappointing that the rest of it basically junk. Still, there are several other games I want to try with my origin sub, before I let it drop.
Howcome sometimes my Legendary weapons disappears? When I got to level 8 or something I got a legendary Marksman Rifle and a rocket launcher too and every so often after a mission it's gone but then 1 or 2 missions later it suddenly returns? lol

Also what would you guys consider the best weapons to use? My Javelin is the Ranger Class. So far I mainly use Marksman rifle, sniper rifle and light machine gun. A lot of the weapons have ridiculous recoil and don't seem that good to use tbh.
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