Bioware's Anthem

Was hoping this wouldn't be a flop as I love grindy games... Looks like I may have to wait for a few months until it's decent - might try the 10 hour trial at some point though. I guess I have to stick with Destiny for a while!
Was hoping this wouldn't be a flop as I love grindy games... Looks like I may have to wait for a few months until it's decent - might try the 10 hour trial at some point though. I guess I have to stick with Destiny for a while!

The grind is crazy.. 130 hours in :D (not a fan boy i can see the serious flaws in anthem) 13 legendary gear drops so far... 2 were exact duplicates, 3 are good but the others are all terrible.

I think the end of march will tell us a lot about where they take anthem.
Just broke the 50 hours now and almost 30. I have been having a lot of fun. I love the Colossus and play it as a PROPER Tank. Just sucks when you get one in your team, and they play them as if they were ranged DPS.

There are a few things that do **** me off, lack of Stats. I have no idea whatsoever what my stats are, apparently it is a magical menu that we can't see:)

Freeplay, same nags, hence why I said, lets get a few of the OCUK people and when we want to go Mats farming or Titan killing we do it. I ended having to solo the Titans. Got my first purple from one at level 12. Also if everyone in the team goes farming for mats and chests (yes the ones that drop loot), if 1 person has opened a chest, I don't think that you can too. It is better if you are there with them.

A few Pointers for GEAR (taken from another guide):
Gear Icon – These inscriptions apply only to the one gear piece.
  • Critical +% Damage – Increase the damage from critical attacks
  • Combo +% Aura Effect – Increases the damage that Interceptor Aura pulses for
  • Gear + Speed – Reduces the cooldown of all skills
  • Physical +% Damage – Increases the damage of non-elemental attacks
  • Weapon +% Fire Rate – Increase the fire rate of weapon
  • Weapon -% Reload Time – Reduces the time it takes to reload
  • Weapon +% Mag Size – Increase the size of the magazine for weapon
  • Weapon +% Blast Damage – Increase the Blast damage of weapon

Javelin Icon
– These inscriptions apply to your all of your gear.
  • +% Damage – Increases the damage output of everything
  • +% Force – Reduces the amount of damage it takes to stagger enemies
  • +% Harvest Bonus – Increase the amount of items that you get from harvesting flora/minerals
  • +% Pickup Radius – Increase the distance you will pickup items that are dropped
  • +% Thruster Life – Increases how long you can fly before overheating
  • +% Thruster Speed – Increase how fast your jets cool down
  • [Element] +% Damage – Increases damage of all skills of this element
  • [Element] +% Effect – Increase the status effect/duration of this element
  • [Element] +% Resist – Reduces damage taken from attacks of that element
  • [Keybind] +%Damage – Increases damage of that skill
  • [Keybind] +Speed – Reduces the cooldown of that skill
  • [Weapon Type] +% Ammo – Increase max ammo for that type
  • [Weapon Type] +% Damage – Increase the damage of all weapons of that type
  • Ammo +% Drop Rate – Increase the drop chance of ammo upon kill/damage
  • Ammo +% Pickup Amount – Increase how much ammo you get when picking up an ammo drop
  • Armor +% Max – Increases your green bar
  • Combo +% Damage – Increase the damage from using a detonator on a primed target
  • Combo + Targets – Detonating primed enemies chains to additional enemies
  • Effect +% – Increases how quickly statuses build up to prime an enemy
  • Elemental +% Dmg – Increases the damage from all elemental attacks
  • Gear +%Damage – Increases the damage of the skill on this gear piece
  • Gear +% Charges – Increases the number of charges that this skill has
  • Melee +% Damage – Increase the damage of melee attacks and skills
  • Overheat +% Delay – Reduces the time it takes to start recovering from overheating
  • Physical +% Resist – Reduces damage from non-elemental attacks
  • Repair +% Drop Rate – Increases the drop chance of healing kits upon kill/damage
  • Repair +% Amount – Increases how much healing kits will heal you
  • Shield +% Delay – Reduces the time it takes to start recovering your shield
  • Shield +-% Refresh – How quickly your shield recharges once it starts recovering
  • Shield +% Max – Increase your blue bar
  • Storm Combo Augment – Increases the number of combo chains by 2
  • Supply +% Drop Rate – Increases the drop chance of gear/weapons/components upon kill/damage
  • Support +% Luck – Increase the chance of better quality loot
  • Support +% Speed – Reduces the cooldown of your support skill
  • Ultimate +% Damage – Increases the damage caused by your Ultimate
  • Ultimate +% Speed – Increase the rate at which you build your ultimate meter back up
  • Weapon +% Damage – Increases weapon damage
  • Weapon +% Clip – Increases the magazine size of all weapons
  • Weapon +% Ammo – Increases the max ammo for all weapons

A few Pointers for COMBOS:
  • Ranger
    • Primer: Inferno Grenade, Frost Grenade, Venom Darts, Shock Mace
    • Detonator: Frag Grenade, Seeking Missile, Pulse Blast, Multi-target Missile Battery
  • Colossus
    • Primer: Firewall Mortar, Shock Coil, Flamethrower, Venom Splitter
    • Detonator: High Explosive Mortar, Lightning Coil, Siege Artillery, Railgun, Heavy Smash, Siege Cannon
  • Storm
    • Primer: Ice Storm, Ice Blast, Living Flame, Frost Shards, Shock Bursts, Elemental storm
    • Detonator: Elemental Storm, Lightning Strike, Burning Orb, Glacial Spear, Fiery Strike
  • Interceptor
    • Primer: Venom Bomb, Cryo Glave, Detonating Strike, Venom spray
    • Detonator: Spark Dash, Tempest Strike, Bladed Daggers, Assassin’s Blades

If you crash/DC in the mission before getting your loot, don't be ****** thinking you lost it. Go into Freeplay then exit straight away. Voila, all your previous mission loot is there at the exit menu.
If you get to a part in the mission where you are stuck, mission won't advance. Get your team to fly in one direction as far as possible, until you see the "Teleport to Mission" countdown and you all get ported back to mission point. This should give the mission a bump and should continue.

If you just want to farm mats, start a SOLO mission, idealy one with an entrance point, then just ignore the mission way-point. Go browsing and collecting loot chests and mats. This works nicely as there won't be any NPCs spawned on the map, no Titans no nothing. It also helps with exploration points and clearing the whole map, getting the echo whatever green circles too.

Again, feel free to add me on if you want to go Titan hunting or whatever.
ORIGIN ID: GixxerDrei
50 hours played and stuck at 488 masterwork score can only upgrade with legendaries now, we've been playing it on and off all week and we've had the same bugs and glitches as others, sound dropping out half way through a mission, missions not completing, stuck frozen constantly etc. Still having fun playing and now they've pushed the loot update out with rolls being better and the stopping lower level loot dropping today it should be the start of good things to come.

Nice that some of the masterwork guns have their own sounds when triggering their ability and not just reskins of the epic version.

Do I think Anthem deserves the absolutely thrashing it's gotten on Youtube, No. Has it got faults that need fixing yes, is it the worst game I've ever played not by far. Seems these days if your a Youtuber you can't enjoy a game and have to slate it constantly.

One thing that is annoying me is how everyone has suddenly jumped on the Warframe bandwagon, I backed that game being a founder and that launched in a bad way to.
Do I think Anthem deserves the absolutely thrashing it's gotten on Youtube, No. Has it got faults that need fixing yes, is it the worst game I've ever played not by far. Seems these days if your a Youtuber you can't enjoy a game and have to slate it constantly.

One thing that is annoying me is how everyone has suddenly jumped on the Warframe bandwagon, I backed that game being a founder and that launched in a bad way to.

People are ****** and forget how bad other games had it.
Warframe, I got bored of it with nothing to do the first year or so. Took them years to get where they are now. It is still a great game but honestly everyone rushes though EVERY mission that you can't even enjoy the game or graphics. Something Anthem is doing too, just not as bad as Warframe... Hate everyone rushing.
Division had pretty much the same issues as Anthem did at start. Lots of bugs and exploits etc.
Division 2 is Identical in every way to Division 1.
Fallout 76 LOL :D
The mighty World of Warcraft, does anyone not remember how long it took for them to introduce the first High Level Dungeon and Raids? Not to mention all the broken quests, falling through the floor and what not, can't remember all of them, but there were plenty. In WoW you can now go from level 10 to Max level by doing nothing except DungeonFinder. The World they created is pretty much a void. The last time I was in it, I took my time on a ground mount and went everywhere. Amazing Huge world full of life and detail, yet no one gives a rats ass about it. Probably the Lore lovers.

Just about every game out there had issues at start and even later, with bugs, glitches and content un-patched. Anthem had about 5 patches already I think?

Sucks, due to these ****** reviews my mates aren't playing which would have been great to go through the story with them. At least I can always make a new Freelancer and start from 0.
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Only issue I had with the patch was the connection problems that happened when it dropped. Think someone on discord said the progress counter was saying the full game but it only took a couple minutes to download.

Looking forward to getting some real builds up and running with the loot changes and start pushing gm2/3. Enjoying the game although more would be nice.
I really like Anthem but these DCs are driving me crazy. I start playing and enjoying a mission or 2 and then DC. The EA servers seem very unstable, i've been getting an error saying "Server Shut Down".

The map overhaul and way points are a must. It's hard to understand game walls when using the map.
anyone having trouble connecting to the game? i press space to connect then it loads and just closes the game.

think i sorted this, did a manual check for update and there is one, it didnt auto update
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seems to be the same for me too! ....
It's really odd as my desktop just download a 3GB patch and that was it whereas laptop created backups of each file (added an extension/suffix to each file) then happily download the game again.

Bloody odd and annoying. Similar cases on reddit.
So the 10hr trial has now finished for me. So I have two options:

Do I upgrade my Origin Access to Premier for the princely sum of £15 a month and enjoy the benefits of the higher tier version of the game?
Or just buy the game outright (not from Origin though!) but settle for just the vanilla version? Saying that one can get the DLC for 79p from a certain key site.

And to think I was not going to enjoy this game going on from my experience during the betas.
So apparently they banned somebody because he found a small number of chests that gave out (wrongly) better items more often and he farmed them repeatedly in the open world....seems they have taken a leaf out of Bethesdas book on how to make a bad situation worse.
So apparently they banned somebody because he found a small number of chests that gave out (wrongly) better items more often and he farmed them repeatedly in the open world....seems they have taken a leaf out of Bethesdas book on how to make a bad situation worse.

It wasn't for that it was for glitching stronghold loot chests and showing off how to do it for several hours streaming it on Twitch, he wasn't the only one banned for doing that.

I'm at the stage now where I can't get any more gear on my ranger until the loot changes finally kick in at 488 but the loot drops don't justify the time sink now, Tried levelling my other javelins up today but 10 quickplay missions glitching out later I've given up as they've still not fixed it.
until the loot changes finally kick

Hate to break it to you, but the main part of the changes are in ie the no more useless modifiers, the only other change waiting, is removing whites & greens from the loot table at level 30... but it doesn't mean the better loot is going to be more frequent, Masterwork/Legendary are still at a drip feed level and it doesn't look like it's going to get buffed any time soon

Seems like Division 2 is going to **** all over Anthem as well which means player base is going to fall off a steep cliff as even if they buffed loot drop rate it still doesn't change the lack of variety in loot and the massive lack of anything to do beyond 3 strongholds and the mostly hollow freeplay for end game
Hate to break it to you, but the main part of the changes are in ie the no more useless modifiers, the only other change waiting, is removing whites & greens from the loot table at level 30... but it doesn't mean the better loot is going to be more frequent, Masterwork/Legendary are still at a drip feed level and it doesn't look like it's going to get buffed any time soon

Seems like Division 2 is going to **** all over Anthem as well which means player base is going to fall off a steep cliff as even if they buffed loot drop rate it still doesn't change the lack of variety in loot and the massive lack of anything to do beyond 3 strongholds and the mostly hollow freeplay for end game

I'm waiting for no whites and greens hoping that they tweak the drop rates at the same time depending on what difficulty you play on to stop making gm1 be the only one worth running. I too think Division 2 is going to show people what Anthem could've been granted Division 1 didn't launch well either and they've learnt for D2. There's a good game somewhere hidden away but it's hard to find now especially once you get to the point where your chasing better rolled MW or Legendary but the drop rates don't make it fun to keep grinding.
Had some good games since the last patch, It died last night, could not connect but has been ok today. Am lvl 28 now, will try to get to 30 before the Division 2 is out then switch to that.
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