BitFenix Prodigy ITX build

Why did you not use the venom?

Never mind answered it myself... it does fit the board, with both fans on, but it is very close to the pci-e slot, am going to run mine with only one fan for now, see if I can get something better in the long run.
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.................I couldnt help my self ................. the ram was screaming at me..............

"overclock me ffs, i can be so much faster!!"

so i did, lol, i will post the memtest results once iv done 12hrs min but 4 passes and no errors so far (fingers crossed)

this is mu post from the mem section of the forum

good morning gents, im just looking for two things 1) a little reassurance and 2) some advice.

i have my green running @2133 @10-10-10-28-1 @1.62v my vtt is 1.1v and my other timings are

twr - 16
trfc - 148
trrd - 7
twtr - 9
trtp - 9
tfaw - 24
tcwl - 7

im just on my 4th pass of memtest with no errors, i am very happy to stay at these speeds im not really looking for anything more out of my ram but i would like to know if i could do any trimming? volts or timing?

any input would gratefully recieved. many thanks.


what do you guys think?
I dont know much about overclocking, but that looks ok, i would guess it its running the tests ok without failing then its working? Right?
I dont know much about overclocking, but that looks ok, i would guess it its running the tests ok without failing then its working? Right?

it is running ok so far but i would like to know if i could change some settings to reduce volts, latency increase speed etc.

i am happy to stay @2133 tbh :)
UPDATE 3.2.2

Done 12 hours.......... gonna push for higher :p seams capable :)


ok just playing at the mo with 2400MHz

Gflops low though :(
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ok f that, anything above 2133MHz is a nightmare, i think im doing something really wropng or i have reached the max oc of my ram/IMC?
iv dropped my volts to 1.6v although the stacks are cold to the touch at 1.62v.
tomorrow i will play with my timing to see if i can drop them but i have a stable oc @ 2133MHz 10-10-10-28-1


try for 10-10-10-25-1 @2133
try for 9-10-10-25-1 @2133
Dude, from reading this thread I get an overwhelming sense of just how much you enjoy your hobby of knobbing about with computers!
It's great :D

I had the most fun building mine on Monday, and already I'm looking for what to do next and things I can upgrade and change, so I know exactly how you feel :)

Might try my hand at overclocking..... might bottle it and just buy stuff for the rig instead :p

Anyway, nice thread :)
Chris [BEANS];22293776 said:
Dude, from reading this thread I get an overwhelming sense of just how much you enjoy your hobby of knobbing about with computers!
It's great :D

I had the most fun building mine on Monday, and already I'm looking for what to do next and things I can upgrade and change, so I know exactly how you feel :)

Might try my hand at overclocking..... might bottle it and just buy stuff for the rig instead :p

Anyway, nice thread :)

ty very much chris, i do love knobbing around computers ;)
Well I took a look this morning, pic posted on this thread,

I think it will fit in the case, as its 3mm taller than the Lynx that OcUK used when they built one for the demo pics, now, i dont know if that included putting two fans in the top, but i think it should be ok, and can always remove that lump of plastic off the top of it which might cut the size down a 1mm or two.

I was first going to go with the H80, but heard very bad things about them, but still am waiting to see how yours turns out!

Your ram is looking nice. :) hope you get your 9-10-10-21-1T working.
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