I would have cancelled by now and ordered from somewhere who doesn't tell lies tbh. Had too much of this from OCUK recently. "Hur hur yeh bro we'll have that in next week". Friday. Not in.
I would have cancelled by now and ordered from somewhere who doesn't tell lies tbh. Had too much of this from OCUK recently. "Hur hur yeh bro we'll have that in next week". Friday. Not in.
i think they exaggerated the date to get loads of people to pre order to get their sales up.......... who knows
says different in your thread? are you running 2200MHz? have you managed any higher?
i have managed to stabilize 9-10-10-20-1T @ 1.58v and stock volts for VTT and VCCSA so im still tweaking atm
stock volts for this ram is 1.585 so im getting there
nice build btw
I know this sounds far fetched but maybe, just maybe they had a problem with delivery, it's not totaly unheard of...........
.........although that can't be possible, things like that never happen.![]()
My own thread has now been edited to reflect the change
Not tried for 2200Mhz no as BCLK OC'ing has proven to be to unstable in the past in my experience, very very happy with it running at 9-10-10-21-2T though; I'll probably have a play around again at a later date.
It truly s*cks with the situation with the Prodigy, it would have been quicker to import one from Europe and not that much more expensive with the Euro being so weak just now.
Thank you also, I love the TJ08-E to bits: it's a great case![]()
Dear robert macey,
Thanks for the webnote.
Unfortunately we currently have no exact ETA, although this item should be with us within the next few days.
Tanith Venable
I hate to say this and expect this might be deleted but i ordered this from another company for cheaper delivery and had my white prodigy delivered 9:20 yesterday morning.
i see your oc'ing with a 2600k, dont play with the bclk, ivy has a little play i have heard up to 107 but i would not go more than what i am on atm.
i have just been playing and got 4.7GHz with temps hitting 87c, im going to play a little more but im happy with 4.7
i like the look of your case but the prodigy will be mine lmafo
I will post some pics tomorrow about why the Asrock z77e-itx is one of the WORST boards i have ever come across!!!!!!!! its only saving grace is that it is nice to look at, feature packed and good for OC'ing