Black Mesa Source

In a universe where Black Mesa is being made by Valve and not a completely independent group I would completely agree with you.

Unfortunately seeing as we have to make do with this universe, I'm just going to consider you a giant tool and be done with it.

Considering that the leader in the creation of this third party game kicked out the rest of the team.

I am inclined to stop caring about such an ********.
Yeah this is what I am thinking aswell.

What is the total number of voters needed to get the 100% positive rating ?

They don't disclose that.

It's also liable to vary in the first few weeks/months of greenlight as they get an appreciation for how many votes things tend to get.
Black mesa source has the potential to be enjoyable, but at the same time it carry's a huge risk of being disappointing and somewhat ruining what people loved about Half life

Only time will tell!
Oh gee must have it mixed up with something else, I swear I remember some project where the team leader was a douche and everyone else was kicked out or left...

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