Black Mesa Source

I was getting my hope for a release yesterday, as it was the 11th anniversary of Half Life. It would have fitted perfect in my opinion. I hope it is released within the next two weeks, as I have two weeks off in lieu now. One can only hope :/
I can't wait to play this, then source mod of opposing force, then blue shift, then HL2 and both episodes, then episode 3! Unfortunately it will probably take another 5 or so years.
There's a big difference between "done when it's done", and taking the flipping ****

How so?

Could you do it quicker? They are getting on as best they can with the time and resources available to them. You are not paying for it, and they are giving up their time for free. Get over yourself and get real!
Fair enough its a lot of work and takes as long as it takes. Why not just let people know exactly what the score is and what's been done/needs to be done still instead of just publishing pointless release dates and driving folk mad.
To be fair they were letting people know what was going on on the forums, the devs were posting their progress quite a bit, until the forums died a few times.

The number of times the website and forums have had terminal failures is silly
For me HL1 really was the starting point for me playing pc games. the atmosphere and the sounds you got from that game were immense at the time and still are. You could even wack the cd install disk in your hifi and listen to the soundtrack lol.

Cannot wait for this release, it will make my year to play it again on the source engine :D
I despise this mod. Images and concept art was released only months after hl2 shipped. And I was eagerly awaiting then. And it still isn't out WTH. They should have at least released a demo, or maby done the game in episodes/parts. Just ridiculous.

And yeah 2011/2012 or never is what I'am banking on. Will look pretty dated by then, so I doubt I'll have the urge to play through it.

A small group of people are trying to do what normally takes dozens of professionals a few years to do ofcourse it will take time.
I hope it's not going to be a bit like the Deus Ex mod (The Nameless Mod) which went on for years before being finally released and when it was the interest and appreciation pretty much dried up because the game was so old.
I think if BMS is released through steam and appears on steam news, it will go along way in increasing awareness. I know Valve weren't particluarly happy about the mod, as they are essentially making one of their games for free, but you never know. Besides judging by what they have produced thus far, I would happily pay for it.

Their youtube channel is worth a look:
I think if BMS is released through steam and appears on steam news, it will go along way in increasing awareness. I know Valve weren't particluarly happy about the mod, as they are essentially making one of their games for free, but you never know. Besides judging by what they have produced thus far, I would happily pay for it.

Their youtube channel is worth a look:
That's not right, the BMS mod has had Valves blessing for a long while now. Valve probably understand that this could potentially increase sales for every other instalment in the series, which is partly what makes Valve so freaking awesome, they just get it.

Thanks for the link, it is worth a peak.
It'll not be out this year, im in the 'doubt we'll ever see it at all' camp as well, as its been going on for to long.

Id still love to see it though.
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