I jumped and slid down the wall and crashed into the platform. Lost most of my health but just carried on
Don't think it was the proper way!
Need some help for this part
I think you have to use the creature thing that brings you up (as in, you slide down the slanted hill on the right and reach the end of his tongue thing and kill it then), I tried that but I die as soon as I hit the ground part
Kill the barnacle, then jump across the gap. You need to sprint-crouch jump, but it will work. No need to lose health.
I don't have enough health to do it that way! Guess I have to go back to an earlier save and try to keep most of my health this time then
I thought about doing that, but didn't think I would be able to jump that large of a gap
sv_cheats 1
There's a bit of metal protruding from the near-part of the bridge - use that and the jump should be fairly easy.
Completed this, installed Cinematic mod 10 (11 is now out as well but not downloaded this yet) for Half Life 2, continued with this using all the mod apart from Aylx as I prefer the orginal over the mod update (all versions of her are wrong comparable to the default Valve intended)
Half life 2 looks totally stunning with the cinematic mod, I've got the Half Life bug again, this will be the 6th time I've played through Half Life 2, you'd think I'd have bored of this game by now... Nope.!!
Half Life 2 ep2 however is still without doubt the biggest cliff hanger ever, how Valve could leave the story like this lol Epic moments in ep2, had a quick blast last night with ep2, wanted to know what it looked like with the cinematic mod installed... One word - breathtaking..!!
I like the visual changes in Cinematic mod. Not too keen on the gameplay changes though...
The biggest differences are the weapon damage. The sections with Xen creatures become much, much easier (almost trivial), whereas the battles against combine soldiers are much more difficult. It always feels very much unbalanced compared to the original.
If I could play cinematic mod, but with the original weapon damage, then it would be perfect.