Blackberry 9900/9930

I have in the past, they're quite good.

Just looking, they have some good deals!

Their sim free price is about right....£453 delivered...cheapest ive seen...have cancelled my other preorder as im not wanting to pay £500+ for a phone lol.

Was told they have stock coming in later today from what the guy said on the phone.
Handset team will always know first as the details of the handsets are put in their systems first at launch. It was delayed last week which either means it launches today or next week usually. If there's a bigger fault like a software problem (RIM arn't exactly great at s/w issues) they will be made aware of the delay too.
Got mine first thing this morning. Lovely piece of kit. Such a fantastic feeling phone. Just gotta get used to BBOS now!
LOL exactly i have a white Bold 9780 and honestly i wish i never got it...gets dirty far too easily for a start ie the leather back on the phone has faded from a nice white.

But the biggest complaint i have about it is the keyboard...when your in bright sunlight, dear god its hard to see what keys are what.

Thanks but no thanks on a white 9900 lol.
I quite fancy buying one of these but it's an utterly stupid idea. I've just never had a BlackBerry!

Then you dont know what your missing out on...sure its not as fancy or as cool as Android or ios to a certain extent...apps wise its a poor 3rd behind android and ios that much is for sure. But if you want a decent communication device ie phone calls, texts, email etc etc then Blackberry is the way to go the battery life on BB's is second to none but then using old tech will always give you better battery i suppose...will be itneresting to see what sort of battery life the 9900 has...still waiting on some proper reviews to see what they say...but so far on crackberry, signs seem to be its pretty decent.
Who? Orange? Just find it hard anyone in Orange know's whats going on. Guy in the shop knows nothing. People on upgrades don't know.

I may ring them in October. See if they have it.

mobilephonesdirect and also spoke to o2 and they should be getting some by the end of the week.
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If anyone wants to know anything I am all ears. Lovely lovely phone and finally got Suresignal working with my wretched homehub so I actually have signal :p
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