Blackberry 9900/9930

Orange on the 16th you say... I could be tempted into an 18 month contract as I can get FnF discount on Orange... 40% off. HMMM.

Is that date of the 16th just for upgrades or general stock?
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I'll give you the hardware keyboard, but that's about the only advantage blackberries have these days for joe public. I had no regrets moving to an sgs2 from my old bb8900 and there is no way on earth any blackberry is infinitely better as a phone. in fact im struggling to think of any reason other than the keyboard.

Have to disagree with you there, I'm tempted to sell my SGS2 and go to a BB again. The BB is far better at being a phone, its got a decent keyboard that you can type properly on, the battery lasts longer than a day, it does everything my SGS2 does like play videos and music and at the end of the day isnt the size of a house brick.
Have to disagree with you there, I'm tempted to sell my SGS2 and go to a BB again. The BB is far better at being a phone, its got a decent keyboard that you can type properly on, the battery lasts longer than a day, it does everything my SGS2 does like play videos and music and at the end of the day isnt the size of a house brick.

i charge my galaxy2 every 2 days. i charged my bb8900 every two days. i charged my iphone every two days as well...... you get the picture. I'm not going to get in to it too much here, but calling the second thinnest smart phone ever made the 'size of a house brick' is laughable and if you are talking about the width and height of the phone then im sorry, but you shouldnt have bought a phone with a 4.3" screen in the first place. let's just agree to disagree as i have no intention of derailing this thread.
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I'll be getting one, had my old 9000 for a good few years with work but had to give it back when I left.

Bought myself a Desire S and took it back and stopped the contract after a week (on O2 so had 14 days to cancel if I wanted) as I just didn't get on with it.

Apps are lost on me, really have no need for them and was struggling to find something I'd actually use.

And I really didn't get on with the touch screen text input.

So that and a few other things, I like the way it handles and displays email etc, plus there's the option to hook it up to my new work's BES in future possibly as where I am now, and a lot of places I might be working, are Blackberry houses for various reasons.
give up creamegg, if you want to argue about phones lets take it to another thread.

I'm not arguing, just stating my opinion on BBs in a BB thread, you're the one that started the argument. But anyway, it appears Ev0 shares my viewpoint on apps and such, a complete waste of time 99% of the time, glad I'm not the only one. I just hope the current price of £500 thats being thrown about isn't true, that's way too much.
I'm not arguing, just stating my opinion on BBs in a BB thread, you're the one that started the argument. But anyway, it appears Ev0 shares my viewpoint on apps and such, a complete waste of time 99% of the time, glad I'm not the only one..

I didnt start any argument, it was your silly 'the s2 is the size of a house brick' comment that i responded to. if you have a problem with your s2 (battery life) then take it to the s2 thread, it has no place here. Ev0 just decided BB is the better platform for him and fair enough, but you had to have a dig at the size of the s2 and other silly things. The sensible thing would have been to go play with a phone in store before buying one, instead you've had two of these and now you're complaining about the size of it?

I just hope the current price of £500 that's being thrown about isn't true, that's way too much

Well, i agree with that.
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I've had a Curve 8520 for almost two years now and I cannot wait to get my hands on something more powerful. The 9900 has a lot of pull factors for me, but the price puts me off a bit. I would say that until I see a greater range of contract packages I will keep my 8520 for the interim on a PAYG SIM package with data.

I'm even tempted to get a 9000 or 9780 Bold for a year, since they are now down to about £10/month with BES, BBM and more data than I could ever need.
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But anyway, it appears Ev0 shares my viewpoint on apps and such, a complete waste of time 99% of the time, glad I'm not the only one.

For me anyway that's the case, btu everyone's different.

When I first got the Desire S a colleague used to pipe up every hour so saying had I doen x y z, downloaded a b c app etc, he loved the stuff.

I however had no need or inclination for those things, I just didn't care :)

Main thing for me is email handling, and the BlackBerry with the BIS email does this perfectly, then there's the security aspect which is also important to me and my work.

Internet browsing is a nice to have, it's handy when you need it but it's not something I used a lot.

Being the same size as a 9000 but thinner is ok too as whilst it's not the smallest of handsets it's still easily pocketable.

The Desire S was borderline for me, the other half's Wildfire S is a nice size though.
Prices are up ladies and gents (from voda/cpw)
£31/m free:
£41/m free (usual take the mick approach from online voda i see)

I just hope the current price of £500 thats being thrown about isn't true, that's way too much.
So yeah... this is the retail RRP of it.

imo it's too much for it but RRP on all phones is stupid anyway.
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Well if Carphone Warehouse will give me the phone for free on a £31pm contract with Vodaphone, then you'd like to think Orange might at least match the deal in order to keep one of their customers!
yes I hope orange are the same for me. I have yet to pay upfront for a mobile. In fact I never would.

I think all phones should be given free when on contracts £30 pm upwards.

so as soon as Orange have stock of this, I shall be upgrading from my present 8900.
My contract doesn't actually expire until Nov, but I can upgrade 3 months early (ie. now) and they just tack 3 months onto the new contract terms that I choose.

So I should hopefully be able to get my mitts on a 9900 as soon as it hits the shelves, so long as they agree to a free phone on a £30pm 24m contract.
Voda direct saying 16th for definite via their pre order page. Might just bite the bullet and do it, Orange upfront prices are sounding idiotic from the rumours, plus 12 months will be such a nice term after 18.
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