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Blackwell gpus

19 Sep 2022
Yeah buts that’s my point, Nvidia using to titan to make a 5090 appear good value even if its not.

Who knows maybe the titan would cost 4k and 2.5k for 5090. What’s the price where the 5090 stops looking like a good deal?.
i believe the benchmark for pricing a 5090 FE is going to be the most expensive mass-produced phone, its an assumption but sounds fair to me and then you would have AIB cards at a slight premium + asus tax and all that.. so, we are frighteningly close to $2k price tag for the FE
.. and its supposed to be a hobby after all
24 Feb 2004
that still skews things in favor of 5090, ai enthusiasts will strongly prefer a 2x 5090 configuration
a titan only makes sense if theres a big difference in VRAM capacity, if they can pack in 56 or 64 GB into that thing then they can surely price it in that range

I would die for a titan with 54 or 64GB VRAM for £3000, there is no way NVidia is doing that. They would just label it workstation card and charge £6000-£10000 for it. No way on earth the going to into that pie.

The titan at best might have 32GB and be full Blackwell die with nothing disabled. But then again its waste of money for NVidia to make such a card. From a business pint of view, I would rather use a full die for a workstation card and charge 3x more.

either way it does not make financial sense for them, Its just wannabe YouTube Spielberg's and their hyperbole.

5090 is going to cost more than the 4090, that you can be sure of.
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