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Blackwell gpus

4090 prices are going up in EU already again, at retailers. Might be because production is stopping and plenty of people can't wait till 5090 (they use it for work etc.) and will buy 4090 now anyway, or they know something we do not about potential pricing of 5090.
oh thats good news for the 4090 shotters

Oh dont forget guys the PS5 Pro pre orders opens up tomorrow for £699 plus £99 for the disc reader, so 800 squids

And judging by what Sony is saying, 50% more GPU BHP it could be equivalent to a 3080, which 699 for a 3080 rig is ok, not sure why everyone is screaming at the price

And its already stated that its gonna be a sellout, for the hardcore console gamers

Same thing gonna happen with the 5090, day one sell out 100%

TNA probably :p
Depends on the performance increase TBH.

My kids will no doubt appreciate the hand me down as I’ve only ever sold one GPU second-hand.

If it’s less than 50% increase then I probably won’t bother.
Looking at some of the coming games system requirements make me wonder if 5090 will even be far enough for 4k without upscaling on launch. Not that I use 4k, but it seems to be something a lot of people are counting on yet seems to be a dream that never becomes a reality with any GPU generation so far. ;)
Even if the 5090 is a 100% performance increase, in some really demanding ray traced games upscaling will still be required if you want to hit 120fps or more at 4K, Alan Wake 2 for example because even with quality DLSS and frame gen that game only hits around been 60 and 90 fps maxed out with path tracing.

The 5090 needs to be a hell of a jump over 4090.
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Looking at some of the coming games system requirements make me wonder if 5090 will even be far enough for 4k without upscaling on launch. Not that I use 4k, but it seems to be something a lot of people are counting on yet seems to be a dream that never becomes a reality with any GPU generation so far. ;)

4K is only an issue if you refuse to use DLSS on latest games or must have three figure minimums.

I am on it now with a 4070 Ti so I think a 5090 will be fine :p
4K is only an issue if you refuse to use DLSS on latest games or must have three figure minimums.

I am on it now with a 4070 Ti so I think a 5090 will be fine :p
I suggest you check coming monster hunter requirements (recommended ones especially) and come back say that again. ;D it might be one off or a sign of things to become.
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On system recommended requirements it shows 1080p 30fps, 60fps only with DLSS FG enabled. And that's on medium settings. I recon 4090 required to reach 60 with DLSS on high (which might not even be top settings) in 1440p. :) It's been said almost from the start that developers will get lazy and just require upscaling on everything but it's becoming worse than that as FG to reach 60 is often very laggy and can have visible artefacts in fast games like this. And it's not that the game has to have such requirements - this is what Devs choose to do.
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- this is what Devs choose to do.

You can imagine the conversation with managment.. So when is the game going to be ready, well it's full of bugs, but just about playable at 4K on top end hardware with frame gen AI which does introduce a load of ghosting, but if we spend 6 months making it more efficient, we could easily get to 4K 120fps on mid range gfxs and not require frame gen.. and most of the bugs will be gone..

6 months are you mad.. release it now and move onto the next project.. we're here to make money not to make games run well for the poor people..
On system recommended requirements it shows 1080p 30fps, 60fps only with DLSS FG enabled. And that's on medium settings. I recon 4090 required to reach 60 with DLSS on high (which might not even be top settings) in 1440p. :) It's been said almost from the start that developers will get lazy and just require upscaling on everything but it's becoming worse than that as FG to reach 60 is often very laggy and can have visible artefacts in fast games like this. And it's not that the game has to have such requirements - this is what Devs choose to do.

Can't see that being the case. Maybe on release and then it will get better.

With FG you really want 60fps before enabling.

Also will be interesting to see if it will be another case of you can lower the settings one notch, barely see a difference in game but get a big boost in fps :cry;
You can imagine the conversation with managment.. So when is the game going to be ready, well it's full of bugs, but just about playable at 4K on top end hardware with frame gen AI which does introduce a load of ghosting, but if we spend 6 months making it more efficient, we could easily get to 4K 120fps on mid range gfxs and not require frame gen.. and most of the bugs will be gone..

6 months are you mad.. release it now and move onto the next project.. we're here to make money not to make games run well for the poor people..

That's actually my point but I should correct one thing - in cases like this when I say Devs I should likely say publisher instead - they are the ones pushing for cost reduction and speeding things up, likely thinking everything can be patched later. On the other hand, the current push seem to be for graphics fidelity when it differences are miniscule, forgetting any FPS - it's the console old mentality of "30fps is all one needs", it seems.
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With FG you really want 60fps before enabling.

No need to tell me that, I really dislike FG lag on low FPS and only use it above 60, to address some fluidity without much of the latency penalty. To reach 60 is ridiculous, as latency added will be so bad I rather have stable 30 at that point.

Also will be interesting to see if it will be another case of you can lower the settings one notch, barely see a difference in game but get a big boost in fps :cry;

At the moment recommended are already medium, lowering that down would be low. Of course, on 4090 would be different story but how different is another question. Then again, their min. system requirements talk about low settings, 30fps and DLSS needed to even reach 1080p, so it's really back to 720p gaming for some.
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