^ Blade & Soul ^ F2P MMo

Not sure whether to buy this now its release day, its only £18.99 for the entry level founders pack but i've played it to around level 35 already.

For those of you comparing it to the likes of AA, its nothing like it. The world, quests, combat are totally different and its more of an asian MMO.

I do however think it offers something new, but be prepared to grind dungeons and mobs to level up.

I don't think people are comparing it to Archeage game play wise as they are vastly different.

I think it's more whether the f2p model will be the same. Which I'm pretty sure it's not.
As far as I'm aware there are no restrictions. Supposedly shop is full of quality of life stuff and costume but nothing that really benefits you against others.

I'm hoping to be on for 6 but think I'll be running late.
Ok crumbled and picked up the £18.99 pack, should be finishing work at 2.30 ish to pre load :D Won't be on though till kids in bed tonight, so might avoid the 6pm rush ! Will roll on Windrest.
Not long to go now !!! hopefully there won't be launch problems.

With the amount of guilds joining Windcrest I've gone elsewhere(Starfall), I don't want the hassle of queues like when Aion launched.

PvP arena and Dungeon's are cross-server so there shouldn't be issue's regarding that area.

1hr+ and counting !!!
I have a friend in the states that loves this game and has been waiting for it; I'll most likely snag it once it launches to do some videos on it :D
I'm still downloading the game after doing a fresh install of Windows 10 today.

Hopefully won't be too long and can get on for a few hours tonight as got work tomorrow sadly.

What class/race is everyone going for? I think I'll be going Blade Master/Gin and probably Destroyer/Gon as an alt.
Once you get past the PIN entry just wait and it logs into the character select screen.

No wait on Starfall :D level 4 in no time !
So you can't login the game without paying for the "Premium Membership"? i had a 23 minute wait to login, its now gone up to 50 minutes!
If you have the 'initiate Pack' you can login without premium and take advantage of the 3 day early access but without premium you will not get login queue priority.

> Premium Benefits <

Your best bet is to try a less populated server.
Im finding the game horrendously optimized.

reached lvl 10, its alright...just seems like any other asian MMO to me..
I'm going to wait until Tuesday as not sure whether I will get into it or not.

The game looks really nice looking at the videos on youtube :)
Hope it runs ok on a 560ti :cool:
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