^ Blade & Soul ^ F2P MMo

Took an hour to login earlier :(

While waiting I contacted their support asking why there is no way of buying premium without logging into the game, got a reply saying the only way to get premium is ingame but that you can buy the signature packs (which for 30 days is £26.99 vs the ~£10 ingame)

I think the game is ok, the main thing I like about it is the combat system.
Other aspects of the game seem average.
Not sure how much better it is to TERA at the moment but I'm only level 16 or something
Strange, I played Diablo 3, World of Warcraft (expansion releases), Rift, Elder Scrolls Online and plenty of other games on release and never had a wait of over 1000 people at nearly midnight on a week day. The queue was going down at about 1 person per every 30 seconds. I could have driven to the cinema and watched the new Star Wars again and come home to find I was still stuck in a queue.

Maybe their servers are just terrible? Or everyone was AFK/botting I guess.

something doesn't add up
I've played rift, aion, wow, swtor and countless others
all had queues on launch. :o
Took an hour to login earlier :(

While waiting I contacted their support asking why there is no way of buying premium without logging into the game, got a reply saying the only way to get premium is ingame but that you can buy the signature packs (which for 30 days is £26.99 vs the ~£10 ingame)

I think the game is ok, the main thing I like about it is the combat system.
Other aspects of the game seem average.
Not sure how much better it is to TERA at the moment but I'm only level 16 or something

You can purchase 7-day premium student pack on the website for £4.00, no need to log into the game. Its 399 NCoins.
You can purchase 7-day premium student pack on the website for £4.00, no need to log into the game. Its 399 NCoins.
Which is expensive per day if you only want premium (£0.57/day vs £0.33/day)

I know you also get items (I think u can get most items as a normal f2p player, I think the only special item is the sunglasses)
Seems a bit silly to not have premium on the website
its worth the £4 to give you premium for a week, as come next Thursday the non premium queues should be lower and you should be able to get on within an hour.
Having trouble getting in game.

I downloaded and installed the client. Set up an NCSoft account on the website. Logged in a created a character but when I go to sign in today I get past the launcher into the game and enter my PIN for my account but the game never gets to the character select screen. It just shows the intro graphics for ever. I can't hit ESC or anything to even get to a settings menu.

I checked and the servers were up according to Twitter when I was trying to get in (just tried again 5 minutes ago). Not sure what is going wrong to be honest.
Seems like the infinite cinematic is a known issue according to Twitter you just have to wait 5 minutes to get in!

Heh, I was confused when I read their posts, because I logged on to EU perfectly fine before them (around 3:20ish, a few seconds after the BnSOps twitter said servers were still down) :D.

No idea why anthony101 thinks this launch is worse than WoW/Diablo launches, as a huge Blizzard fanboy even I think Blizzard are absolutely terrible when it comes to launching their games. Horrible queues, and then when you actually get in there's still somehow too many people on the server so you still get gamebreaking lag (people couldn't even start their garrison when WoD launched for upto a day for example).

Compared to Blizzard launches the queues have been great, with barely any lag. It hasn't been perfect obviously, and adding the AFK timer sooner (and having it kick sooner than it does, I think it's still pretty long, although have seen mixed reports on the length of time it takes), and making it so that if you dc/change to a character on the same server there's a small grace period where you don't have to requeue would have helped a lot.

For example, I was playing my main char earlier when my friend wanted to play with me, so I logged off and went and queued on my other char on the same server, we waited 30 minutes or whatever (where I could have just swapped when he got in) he got in and then dc'd and had to requeue again :D.

I'm really enjoying the combat in the game, the way the skills all interact with each other is fun, and it seems like the skill ceiling will be pretty high in 1v1s.

Not too keen on the whole "this is your weapon" thing (won't bother going into detail, but it's basically the same reasons as some people aren't keen on the Legion weapons), but they aren't even used in PvP, and I guess you still have soul shields that are sort of like gear.

Played Assassin and Kung Fu Master so far, assassin is definitely my favourite of the two, but kung fu master is pretty fun too (did play a small amount of blade master on US when EU was down, felt a bit slow, but it may have been partly latency based, so ignoring that for now).
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Cant comment on this game as I'm just keeping an eye on it, but yes wow was very bad at launch - played on a server we called "broken blade" it was actually called burning blade, but the queues & lag were worse than anything I have ever seen in any mmo before or since.

It was so bad they offered a free migration, & literally the whole server left I'm not kidding or exaggerating.
Quite enjoying this,Don't like the bidding on dungeon drops tho, money seems hard to come by unless it gets better at higher level.
Played this for a couple of hours yesterday after I managed to get into the game. Seems like a promising title.

I think I picked the expert class (can't remember which one it was now) since I always like a challenge in games. Watched most of the intro videos and played the starting quests a bit which was OK although a bit long winded.

Combat seems fun but I wish they would implement a spam filter for all the gold selling spam it is literally impossible to chat with anyone at the moment. I'll keep trying to play but the queues are quite long so when I get a spare moment to play the game having to wait 30 minutes is a big turn off.

I'm really interested in the PvP though.
First thing I did was block all the spammers. Even then the chat windows are a bit of a mess. Suppose just need to get used to them/tweak them.

Level 16 and I am finding it a little overwhelming, the amount of trinkets, boxes, sealed, unsealed, items, factions, without much of an explanation.

Is there a good reference anywhere for combos(Kung fu master).
First thing I did was block all the spammers. Even then the chat windows are a bit of a mess. Suppose just need to get used to them/tweak them.

Level 16 and I am finding it a little overwhelming, the amount of trinkets, boxes, sealed, unsealed, items, factions, without much of an explanation.

Is there a good reference anywhere for combos(Kung fu master).

There are likely to be at least a couple of guides on the official forum for game:


but given that KFM is meant to be (by far?) the most demanding class to play its not surprising that you are Avignon to deal with a lot of information in a new (at least in the EU) MMO.

Google also threw up a couple of guides elsewhere:


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