Blaupunkt 50/149Z 50 Inch Full HD 1080p LED TV with Freeview HD

Don't think so as this is one of the deals from tesco and u could get it online so you could avoid all that crap with fights in the stores with tesco deals. Plus I think most ppl went for the £139 40" TVs at asda, them polaroid ones.
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Originally posted for HUKD but thought id paste it here since i mentioned it here too.

Mine just came and the delivery man came in some small van it didnt say citylink at all but was a grey kinda van with some icon on the side of the van. The bloke told me i was lucky this one was ok cos there was another in the back of the van that was smashed cos of the depo.

I quickly inspected mine when he said that and seemed 99% in tact just a scuff here and there on some edges. Opened it up asap and plugged it in and the screen was fine tho i have to say even tho it was upside down i didnt expect to see the leds through a very thin gap at the top of the bezel where it meets the panel/screen. Weird but meh wont hurt probs.

Heres some pics for you its the 149z model.

Hope that is of use, sorry some are a bit meh cos of the flash and cba to retake em but anyhow some pics of it.

Oh and if you have never had a 50" before, boy do they look massive in the box when ur getting it off a delivery man lol and when unpacking and you take the wrapping down a bit like in the pic, wow. My corner barely just fits it where i am gona put it.
I am thoroughly impressed for £250. Within budget and had extra like 2 powered USB port for my external drive to play all but MKV. Love it.
Does anyone have any recommended colour/contrast etc. settings. Tried what was suggested over at HUKD but they seem pretty off to me. Lovely TV though - well chuffed!
Does anyone have any recommended colour/contrast etc. settings. Tried what was suggested over at HUKD but they seem pretty off to me. Lovely TV though - well chuffed!

I used Mild and Warm temp setting, medium noise redux, seem to look great for Sky HD TV and gaming. I also used Xbox One screen setting and the above setting is the best compromise imho.
Cool, thanks Skeeter and Mr Jones. Will try and have a play with different settings later, as soon as wifeys programs have finished!

Just unpacked mine fully and put it on the table and turned it on, i turned it on before but was upside down so didnt see the damaged part but the screens bloody cracked.


Gotta get tesco to replace it now somehow.

:( Very dissapointed.....

Just unpacked mine fully and put it on the table and turned it on, i turned it on before but was upside down so didnt see the damaged part but the screens bloody cracked.


Gotta get tesco to replace it now somehow.

:( Very dissapointed.....

Unlucky. This is why I always sign unchecked. I'm sure you'll be fine, but I wouldn't tell them you turned it on upside down, lol :confused:!
Hope so.

Sent off a email to em, will ring em aw well about 10am when lines open.

Gutted to say the least. Was only upside down (carefully) as came out the box iirc that way, put it on the carpet unwrapped the sleve off half way and plugged it in to quick test, looked ok from there but the top was stll covered and didnt see tho i did notice a gap at the top where u saw led light coming from but thats about it. Anyhow with brothers help we aseembled the base and put it on the desk and left it to go to mums for dinner, when i got back i was tired so went to bed, got up this morning as found a usb stick with some stuff to try on it and switch it on and noticed the black smashed bit at the top and noticed that gap at the top more between frame and the panel.

Looks like a defect to me cos of the gap which probs caused the panel damage somehow during transit.

Utmost care was taken unpacking etc so wasnt my fault in the least. It arrived like that. Should be able to see the led light coming out the gap above the black area on screen.

About HUKD, seen plenty of ocuk deals on the site so no idea why ppl dont like the site, think its mint to find bargains near u like tesco or asda or tech etc.
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