Blaupunkt 50/149Z 50 Inch Full HD 1080p LED TV with Freeview HD

Re. scaling on this TV... spotted this on HUKD website (with credit to user csf on that site). Apparently overscan is set up incorrectly, and can be changed in the service menu.. Haven't tried this myself, but it might be worth a play?

It appears you enter 'menu' followed by 1147 to get into service menu...


The overscan is set incorrectly in the service menu

menu 1147
select picture
select overscan

crop left was 15
cropt right was 16
crop up was 16
crop down was 19

set all to 0

fixes the crop issue when displaying 720 stuff full screen via the 16:9 option. if you display 720p with point to point, the telly sticks the screen in the middle and create boarders around the image. when you select the aspect option to 16:9 to fill the screen, the incorrect crop values, cropped some of the image detail.
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