Maccy, for what it's worth my M135i LCI, which I did order brand new and took delivery of within 2 weeks of the LCI becoming available, has a similar spec (though mine has a few things the car you've been offered doesn't have) was £38K list, and £32K after all the discounts (you won't get that spec anywhere near £28K, despite what Fox says).
/edit I just checked and the deals now seem a bit better than when I got mine. You can now expect somewhere around £6.5-7K off list.
The GMFV was £12k with 100K miles on it at 4 years old. I bought it outright after the first 14 months of ownership.
I would say it's not a brilliant deal, but it's also not terrible. Anyway, I don't think the list price would exceed £40k, so from a VED standpoint you'd actually be better of waiting until after April because then the VED will be £140 / year instead of £205 / year (or whatever it's gone up to now, maybe £210).