Mine is a competition pack car so already got the nice EDC and DSC. Started to gel with the car and using MDM properly. car is absolute awesome when you're on it. It's like a big Honda but then nice a refined when you want to chill with DCT doing the shifting. Nice to have more than one passenger seat too.
Service this month and trying to get latest software with it. If not I have a guy off cutters who will do 2017.2 maps, 6NR update for BMW apps, later engine map and GTS DCT software (110>90ms shift times in S6 mode). Later maps are meant to give a bit more power but also dial down the cold start a bit (my favourite part!)
Not sure on exhaust mod as I really like the sound with windows open. Nice and crisp, maybe a primary decat and remap would do .... look at that torques!
Green decat
Red remap with primary decat