Really? Most accidents are clear cut regardless of what the other driver might say. I doubt it was purely luck!
Are they heck!
So many accidents go 50-50 because of what one, or both, parties being economical with the truth. Dashcams have numerous uses:
- Massively help in settling insurance claims in a way that is fair and not reliant on ropey witness accounts or drivers lying to try and escape liability.
- Can help against spurious personal injury claims.
- The driver with the dashcam may well change their driving because they know that their own driving is being recorded as much everyone elses.
- Can massively help secure convictions in serious collisions of various people's driving.
Sure, a dashcam is not a forcefield that protects you from having an accident, in the same way that a seatbelt is not a magic device that will prevent me having an accident. A seatbelt helps safeguard me from personal injury, a dashcam helps safeguard me from personal liability. This, to me, is obvious and I feel like your dislike of YouTube dashcam warriors who try and cause a near miss just so they can act all high and mighty is clouding your view of how useful the camera can be in many situations.
In the other thread, when talking about the BMW warranty, you were saying about how 500 quid per year isn't a lot of money to spend in the context of the car for the peace of mind it gives. A dashcam is £100 and is a one off purchase and gives lots of people peace of mind that if they should be involved in an accident, particularly one that wasn't their fault, it can be sorted out quickly and fairly without the usual circus of "You're saying they ran into the back of you, the other party is saying you reversed into them - there are no witnesses that can corroborate either story so it'll be settled 50-50".