BMW and M Power Owners

I can vouch for carly being pretty good, its paid for itself in coding wingmirrors to shut, annoyingly its gone subscription based.

EDIT: if you're setting them off regularly, i'm going to assume you don't indicate either, you might as well just take the bulbs out problem sorted:p.
I think 330mm. I’m not really driving the car hard anymore but I just don’t feel like I have confidence in the brakes. That and I have no plans to change the car, it’s out of warranty so thought I could maybe mod it a little.

I’m also bored with blue so thought about wrapping it red or orange.
You got oem pads on atm? What tyres?

Not read anything about modded i8's but do the power first, then the brakes a little later ;)

You learn quicker that way
Anyone know what the going rate is for a set of BMW 351M alloys? Was going to grab some to replace the 350M alloys I have on my F11.

Someone local to me is selling a set with decent tyres and recently refurbished for £680. Seems a little cheap to me but I could be way off.
Would you buy your old car?

I miss my Z3 3.0i Coupe every day :(
The guy to whom I sold it has put it up 5 years and 50,000km later. Would you be tempted?
Edit: and calm...


I do wonder why some of you drive BMW's

BMW's what though? :D
How stupid am I not having warranty no my Z4 35is? Just had the renewal through, £552/year which is a nice discount on before BUT I'm starting to feel like it's a pretty solid car. I know I know, that's when it goes wrong!
But it's a 64 plate, so I believe it has the latest revision injectors and water pump which are two major N54 issues. Yes there's still the adaptive suspension which is big bucks to fix, and the roof I guess? I just feel like if it was going to need anything it would have happened by now (64 plate, 42000 miles) and it feels tight as a drum to drive still.

I'm going to regret it aren't I :p.

Quoting myself here for prosperity. I think the car knew I wrote this post, as it threw an EML the day before the warranty expired! 30FF - Charge Pipe Boost Pressure low.

Fortunately it was nothing expensive, 2 sensors in the end. MAF and a Boost Pressure sensor replaced, but 6 hours labour working that out and 10 days 4-series rental added up to a very hefty bill! Fair to say I have now renewed the warranty, and will never question the BMW gods again :).
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