BNP Advert... WOW... just WOW.... Really?

That chap is not CofE, I think he was barred can't recall his name.

Let's not forget the bible was used for centuries to support the slave trade, we are more superior than them etc. Exactly the same ideology the KKK use to further their cause

I'm sure there is a point somewhere, but I'm going to have to ask you to point it out?
I'm sure there is a point somewhere, but I'm going to have to ask you to point it out?

Sorry Gilly.

We in the West used to use the Bible to justify our actions such as the 'slave trade' in other words the clergy used to preach that we were more superior than any other race. That same message is still used by the KKK today.

It was in response to the query why do they have a man of the cloth in the video
Sorry Gilly.

We in the West used to use the Bible to justify our actions such as the 'slave trade' in other words the clergy used to preach that we were more superior than any other race. That same message is still used by the KKK today.

It was in response to the query why do they have a man of the cloth in the video

Gotcha :)

It's a very tenuous link, but I can't say I am surprised
So i was plodding along through Youtube watching some Ricky Gervais videos and at the end of one it recommended me the Banned BNP advert.. for giggle i thought meh I'll have a look at what tripe its spouting.

Just wow..... how can anyone watch this and think "Yeah i believe in all this and want to vote for them"... although im sure some do!

Well it is the truth, its whats happening to this country.
It would be tragic, if the video was not actually a pretty fair representation of our country. I'd not vote BNP for a myriad of reasons, but it's undeniable our political master are happy to sell us down the river. It's a shame we don't have a decent nationalist party, UKIP are as close as it gets and they are not much better than LIB/LAB/CON.
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I feel it's rather pertinent too point out the idiocy of both sides especially when it involves harming of children.

Both sides?

I thought this was a bunch of racists masquerading as a political entity.

I agree with you that the harming of children is wrong. That's not both sides though, you have on the one side people that think mitigating kids is ok, and on the other those of us that know it is wrong :)

I just didn't think it was particularly pertinent
lol i love the animation style of that and get another quality laugh out of the fact that is actually not a parody but a real thing designed to win votes? lol....

disturbingly bad ....

lol i saw a Muslamic penguin....

Ordinary People Cockney MATE.

Scouse plebs

Bent Vicar

Fake youth lol

Woman talking on a phone ??

Love Britain? Vote BNP..... jesus wept
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What utter racist and sensationalist garbage, that said a video like that will be lapped up by the lesser beings that don't have the sense to think for themselves. It would be a joke except for that very fact, Griffin and co using the cartoon feel of a wonga advert to pull in the gullible.
lol i love the animation style of that and get another quality laugh out of the fact that is actually not a parody but a real thing designed to win votes? lol....

disturbingly bad ....
I think as it goes, it very fresh compared to the rest of the political parties farting dust at their constituents.

I still won't vote though! :)
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