BNP Advert... WOW... just WOW.... Really?

Of course they are retards.

1) Tell everyone what they want to hear

2) Frame, blackmail, kill etc all opposition

3) Take power

4) Solidify your position first nationally and then internationally.

5) Do what you want.
I'd seen the revised allowed advert on TV and thought it was LOL worthy.

But this original unedited banned one is just proper crazy. Feel like I need to go and wash my eyes & ears out!
Disgusting that they use Lee Rigby's name to promote their political hate peddling ambitions.

Apparently, his family are mortified.

Oh, and I shall be eagerly awaiting the release of Muslim Penguin Simulator.
after feeling my low iq getting even lower after about 30secs i had to close it, seriously i'm special needs and that's way beyond me. but it's a good thing, no votes for those, umm insert extra special needs this age slang.
Title of the video is 'Banned BNP 2014 Broadcast.' Where is the evidence that this broadcast was ever banned?

It's hilariously amateurish. The singing is utterly woeful.

Also funny how youtube keeps banning all comments on every copy of this video on youtube.

Comments are disabled by the person posting the video, not by YouTube.

jesus im officially a liberal hippy fag :p

edit - put it in the longer thread
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why shouldn't british jobs go to british people? if I won the lottery I would pay everybody to vote BNP.

English don't flock to islam and take over all the currys houses do we? would we be allowed? would we flock.

then again most of them don't just want the jobs, they want free money. and just work on the side if possible. don't try telling me im wrong because I have seen it for 6 years in my last 2 jobs.

6 agency all part of 1 family was offered full time jobs and they turned around and said " no chance I only work 2 day a week cause England give me free money and will stop if I take job for 5 days " there pretty much exact words.
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why shouldn't british jobs go to british people? if I won the lottery I would pay everybody to vote BNP.

English don't flock to islam and take over all the currys houses do we? would we be allowed? would we flock.
Please tell me this isn't a serious post.
What utter racist and sensationalist garbage, that said a video like that will be lapped up by the lesser beings that don't have the sense to think for themselves. It would be a joke except for that very fact, Griffin and co using the cartoon feel of a wonga advert to pull in the gullible.

get the muslamic ray guns out :D
Any person that votes for extremist parties are likely to be ignorant ill educated types anyway - it is no surprise that the BNP are catering to the needs of such people.
why shouldn't british jobs go to british people?

If I was an employer, I'd like to be able to hire the best candidate for the job regardless of nationality (or race, age, gender, sexual preference, religious belief etc.). Should I be forced to hire someone just because they are British, even if they are not the best possible candidate? I would love to be able to provide a job for a fellow British person, even more so someone in the local community, but that person is not always going to be the best person for the job.
If I was an employer id hire the cheapest monkey that could push the button 90% of the time without crapping them-self too often.
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