Boeing 777 shot down

I don't think you quite understand my point. The missile system being moved from Ukraine to Russia is evidence in itself that Russia has involvement with these rebels as far as armament is concerned, something of which they deny. Although they could claim it was a Ukrainian buk I suppose, but Russia are still complicit in whatever these rebels are doing.

So your saying that it being moved is proof that Russia gave it to them, however it could also be one of the Ukrainian ones they captured?
So your saying that it being moved is proof that Russia gave it to them, however it could also be one of the Ukrainian ones they captured?

You don't allow military hardware like that to just cross your border. All I'm saying is this shows that Russia is actively working with the rebels, not who supplied it.
It would be megaLol if they got all the way to the border just for Russia to turn them away XD

"oh so those missiles are live then?"

I thought Russia would have tried to give the rebels the cold shoulder to distance themselves, would have been my move anyway. Let the rebels take the hit.
Exactly. Or at least dismantle it OR take it back in a plain closed-trailered 18-wheeler. Not in some obvious military green tarpaulin covering some obvious missiles on the back of an obviously military truck.

What they "apparently" did is is like walking home with a bloody knife in your hand after a murder.
Yes, they're completely incompetent and were probably still drunk when they decided to drive it out.
They're incapable idiots. Shooting down a civilian plane should be evidence enough of their incompetence. Driving it to the border after a giant ** You must fully star out swearing ** of that magnitude is no stretch of the imagination. Who'd want that kind of irresponsible morons running a country?

If the missile system used is from Ukrainian weapon stocks (and intelligence services would have a pretty good idea already of its origin), everybody will be looking for it. My guess is, it will have mysteriously disappeared.
They're incapable idiots. Shooting down a civilian plane should be evidence enough of their incompetence.

The US navy once did that too, in fact IIRC in Iraq they shot down some of their own helicopters and one of our Tornadoes, hell in Libya they destroyed a group of friendly tanks. It's not like whoever shot down MH17 is any less competent than the US military.
^ Wasn't that a warship commander shooting down an Iranian commercial airliner? And he got a heroes welcome?


He said they [black boxes] would be handed over to the International Civil Aviation Organisation

Oink oink!
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Looks like the pro-Russia rebels were told to hide the black boxes (not sure if this has been mentioned ?? ). Also did anyone see the article with the rebel conversing about how they shot down a commercial plane (MH17) - intercepted phone call recording

"Sky News is not able to verify whether the 30 second clip is genuine or who is speaking in it." ;)

Tbh though why would anyone care about hiding the black boxes, IIRC they are housed in the tail of a 777? so as that came off first and 777's doing have missile lock warnings they will have no useful info apart from the fact everything was going fine until data/voice recording stopped...
Exactly. Or at least dismantle it OR take it back in a plain closed-trailered 18-wheeler. Not in some obvious military green tarpaulin covering some obvious missiles on the back of an obviously military truck.

What they "apparently" did is is like walking home with a bloody knife in your hand after a murder.

I'd imagine there are numerous murders where the murderer has done exactly that. Not everyone thinks and acts sensibly and rationally. People do stupid things all the time. Especially when panicing about the best course of action.

It would be a pretty dumb move but then so would standing around the crash side with an AK47 whilst drunk...
Couldn't make that one up!

syrian rebels only have crap rpg and shoulder mounted AA they can't hit planes people have been flying over warzones since vietnam ffs

You relaise how many countries have the ability to hit a plane at 33,000ft ? it's not that many in the grand scheme of things most warzones only have shoulder fired rockets and crappy AA guns like it's ww2 again
Lol, looks like the Kiev authorities have decided to use this situation to their advantage and launch a fresh assault on the Donetsk People's Republic, tanks/etc rolling in and shells falling in civilian areas. Can't blame them tbh as the separatists can't secure the crash site and their border will all their forces at once so this is a good opportunity for Kiev.

Ironically they have taken a page out of Putin's book, apparently it's not the Ukrainian army advancing, it's "self-organised" pro-Ukrainian groups XD
Lol, looks like the Kiev authorities have decided to use this situation to their advantage and launch a fresh assault on the Donetsk People's Republic, tanks/etc rolling in and shells falling in civilian areas. Can't blame them tbh as the separatists can't secure the crash site and their border will all their forces at once so this is a good opportunity for Kiev.

Ironically they have taken a page out of Putin's book, apparently it's not the Ukrainian army advancing, it's "self-organised" pro-Ukrainian groups XD that's any better :rolleyes:
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