Boeing 777 shot down

Surprised nobody has questioned how well intact some of the bodies seemed to be considering they fell 30,000 feet.

I guess it's to do with terminal velocity and the way in which they landed?

you are assuming that the plane exploded when it was hit

it may have just lost control after the hit and flew into the ground
the 9km area of wreckage doesnt mean the plane blew up - just that some parts (perhaps the tail) are scattered across that area

the main bulk seems to be in one field

AA missiles tend to act like a shotgun rather than a big explosive warhead - shredding the plane with big holes
Surprised nobody has questioned how well intact some of the bodies seemed to be considering they fell 30,000 feet.

I guess it's to do with terminal velocity and the way in which they landed?
120mph max velocity of the average human.

we were discussing it in a thread the other day and fat people apparently will fall at a slower terminal velocity because wind resistance is far stronger than the added weight.

I wonder if you could make a human parachute if enough people linked arms.

BTW some of the bodies appeared to have made mini impact craters where they landed
Ah right that makes sense then.

Flight attendant Vesna Vulovic holds the world record for surviving a fall, dropping 33,316ft (10,160m) inside part of a Yugoslav DC9 that was destroyed mid-air by a bomb in 1972.
RAF Flight Sergeant Nicholas Alkemade survived an 18,000ft jump from a blazing Lancaster bomber in 1944.
Skydiver Michael Holmes fell 15,000ft when his main chute tangled and his reserve failed. He broke an ankle.
Chris Saggers escaped with a broken elbow after falling 22 floors from Salford tower block.

There's a window cleaner who survived a 47 floor fall as well but the window cleaner service platform acted like a parachute and remained stable as it fell before falling into like an alleyway and bending into a V shape that would have absorbed most of the impact
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I wasn't suggesting anything, just more my own curiosity than anything.

A falling person will reach terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, falling some 450 m (about 1,500 ft) in that time. That person will not then fall any faster, so it makes no difference what distance they fall if it is more than 1,500 ft - they will still reach the ground at the same speed.
Well Russia seem to be putting real effort into making stuff up at least :P


I thought their "evidence" would be a picture of a kid with a catapult :P
Oh dear -typical

Small extract:

Did you know Malaysia Air Flight 17 was full of corpses when it took off from Amsterdam? Did you know that, for some darkly inexplicable reason, on July 17, MH17 moved off the standard flight path that it had taken every time before, and moved north, toward rebel-held areas outside Donetsk? Or that the dispatchers summoned the plane lower just before the crash? Or that the plane had been recently reinsured? Or that the Ukrainian army has air defense systems in the area? Or that it was the result of the Ukrainian military mistaking MH17 for Putin’s presidential plane, which looks strangely similar?

Did you know that the crash of MH17 was all part of an American conspiracy to provoke a big war with Russia?

Well, it’s all true—at least if you live in Russia, because this is the Malaysia Airlines crash story that you’d be seeing.
You know the people in this thread will now quote that as factual reporting on the Russian's interpretation now don't you Snips :rolleyes:

Thread full of accusations based on dailymail facts and Ukrainian propoganda. Why can't you anti-Russia zealots keep an open mind until some facts are actually presented?

For a start Ukraine should be calling a ceasefire whilst the investigation is carried out rather than commencing an offensive on Donetsk.
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For a start Ukraine should be calling a ceasefire whilst the investigation is carried out rather than commencing an offensive on Donetsk.

The separatists have begun cooperating with the international investigation team, even been a bit of praise for their new attitude. So Kiev chooses to disrupt things. They're the new Tel Aviv.
Thread full of accusations based on dailymail facts and Ukrainian propoganda.

Yes, we are all aware of the lies told by the infernal Ukrainian Propaganda Machine, which covers 130+ countries from all over the globe. :rolleyes:
Ukraine is bankrupt and has one of the lowest GDPs per capita in Europa? Lies! How else could they afford to brain wash hundreds of millions, from the US to Poland, from Australia to Spain?

Most people here call it "dailyfail", for good reason, and I don't think anyone presented a Daily Mail article as fact.

I don't know why it's so difficult for Russians and their fans to accept the truth. Their Chief Muppet messed up, he put his money on a bunch of drunken idiots, gave them advanced weaponry and the morons took down a civilian plane. End of story.
Unless the Ukrainian Chief Muppet messed up, put his money on a bunch of drunken idiots, gave them advanced weaponry and the morons took down a civilian plane. End of story :rolleyes:

Propaganda coming out of Ukraine does not need to brainwash people in 130 countries, all it needs to do is sew the seeds of doubt, and when the West is behind Poroshenko it makes it easier for western people to believe it. The president does not need millions of dollars to make public statements.

EDIT: finally it seems Poroshenko has ordered a ceasefire, around the crash site at least.
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Unless the Ukrainian Chief Muppet messed up, put his money on a bunch of drunken idiots, gave them advanced weaponry and the morons took down a civilian plane. End of story :rolleyes:

Propaganda coming out of Ukraine does not need to brainwash people in 130 countries, all it needs to do is sew the seeds of doubt, and when the West is behind Poroshenko it makes it easier for western people to believe it. The president does not need millions of dollars to make public statements.

It could also have been the Aliens, Bigfoot or Jesus. In fact, MoRT, considering the connection between your name and death, it could've been you too. See where I am going? If you ignore the evidence, anything is possible.
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