From what I've read the SU-25 can physically fly up to twice its 7,000m service ceiling which is in itself an artifical limit to protect the pilot because of cockpit pressurisation, so from a technical standpoint if Ukrainian forces deliberately intended to shoot down a passenger jet to blame on Russia it's probably not going to be too difficult to pull off.
American B17 WW2 bombers had ceilings of 30,000-35,000ft and their crews had nothing more than warm clothing and oxygen masks.
Its not a hard limit no but in average condition and with a weapon loadout your not really going to be exceeding much over 20,000 feet in any useful way. Theoretically though strip out the armour and some of the other weapons/modifications for its role and you'd have something with broadly similar climb capabilities to something like the hawker hunter. But I'd have thought they'd have just used a more appropriate aircraft (which afaik they have) rather than go to those measures.
EDIT: Its not completely impossible they could get one a lot closer but IIRC the reports put the su-25 at around 4km away and no closer than 2.8km at its possible closest.
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