Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Harold is the best pistol in the game.

yea' i'm now going to build up his pistols, get that Pistol relic.

i'm going to dump his shotguns and get him focused on pistols/ SMGs, the shotgun is too slow, i need lightweight and rapid fire
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Ive just got back into BL2. What can i farm for better guns? Ive just got the BL2 standard game and no DLC's.
s there a wiki list or something? Ive completed the campaign with one charactor so ive unlocked the next stage.
Its an Amp shield that has no shield drain effect so as long as you're at full shield capacity you will deal amp damage on every shot. They nerfed it a bit for shotguns (which were beyond stupid with it) by making it apply to the whole shot not per pellet but its still a pretty powerful shield.

Not suited for everything though which some people refuse to believe. Read some funny posts on the BL2 forums from people whining about how Krieg is underpowered because he can't go full Mania/Hellborn and use a Bee Shield effectively...

Edit: Oh and given Mal's posting history. The Bee Shield probably isn't a good choice as its quite weak defensively and he seems to spend most of his time in FFYL :p

The Bee Shield was fixed/nerged many patches ago. It was never supposed to work like that, and Gearbox changed it.
Ive just got back into BL2. What can i farm for better guns? Ive just got the BL2 standard game and no DLC's.
s there a wiki list or something? Ive completed the campaign with one charactor so ive unlocked the next stage.

do the side missions, look to see what the rewards are....but leave these to the end, ESPECIALLY all side missions from the other Vault hunters, plus Tiny Tina/Moxi/scooter, because these are amongst the best loot going, do not accept these missions... reject them until level 50.

but to really find the best gear from the side missions you'll need to GOOGLE it......because finding good loot is impossible unless you know exactly which side mission you'll get it from......especially the Bee shield

e.g .....i've just found another two side missions on Google for later tonight and i've been playing BL for flipping ages, you need to write it all down or you'll forget :D

Tip Moxi in her bar...give her enough money and you'll get a fire SMG, now this one is very good for no work at all
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I've been playing the early stages of the game and can't settle on a class. I've got a Gunzerker, Assassin and Commando all at about level 10. I only play solo and feel most drawn to the Assassin (using a sniper rifle), but don't want to end up with a gimped class at the end of the game. Are all classes pretty much equally viable at the end, even using Zer0 with a sniper rifle (instead of a melee build)?
I've been playing the early stages of the game and can't settle on a class. I've got a Gunzerker, Assassin and Commando all at about level 10. I only play solo and feel most drawn to the Assassin (using a sniper rifle), but don't want to end up with a gimped class at the end of the game. Are all classes pretty much equally viable at the end, even using Zer0 with a sniper rifle (instead of a melee build)?

Zero and Gunzerker are the most powerful characters, you can solo all the raid bosses with either fairly easily. In the case of Zero melee and sniping are pretty much both as viable in their own way. I just reset my Zero in UVHM and played through the game and two of the DLC with zero and only used one gun, a Pimpernel.
right ok GOOD NEWS GUYS :)

i told you lot about farming Butstallion didn't i...well i fed him 140 Eridian and got UNKEMPT HAROLD

You can just buy the double penetrating version from a Torgue vending machine. Guess you still have to farm the bar fight to get tokens, but I found that bit fun.
What's the story, I'm at level 33, I thought I'd maxed out the backpack at 33 slots, there were no more purchases int eh black market, then today there's another one for 150 eridium. Also extra ammo upgrades. Wiki says they are only for ultimate vault hunter but I'm on my first playthrough on normal and don't have any dlc.
I got ``Captain Scarlet's Pimpernel`` yesterday ( shock sniper) and yes it's very's one of only a few guns that kills all Elemental types's similar to the old ``Orion- a hunter lives amongst the stars``

Harold is maybe the best, but ``thunderball fists`` is very close, esp with 24% shock damage.

i wouldn't say that one gun kills everything though, esp in Tiny Tinas :eek: because you still need to switch between any one of 4 guns....because some Skeletons will not go down from Harold, i.e those cloaked skeletons that throw shock at you, Harold is totally useless against them..these are even worst than the Rabid Stalker!!!!!....i had to fight 3 cloaked skeletons last night all at once, i died about a million times :eek::eek:

they jump around here and there, you cant see them, cant tell a thing, all you see is shock exploding in your face !!! the only thing that gets them quickly and bang on target is the SMG Sl**, one is tricky enough....BUT THREE AT ONCE....oh God!!!
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You can just buy the double penetrating version from a Torgue vending machine. Guess you still have to farm the bar fight to get tokens, but I found that bit fun.

you need loads of dosh, 610 tokens, i cant get above 200 tokens, i keep spending it.... i'm farming that area for one thing only.....DETONATING COBRA
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What's the story, I'm at level 33, I thought I'd maxed out the backpack at 33 slots, there were no more purchases int eh black market, then today there's another one for 150 eridium. Also extra ammo upgrades. Wiki says they are only for ultimate vault hunter but I'm on my first playthrough on normal and don't have any dlc.

ULTIMATE has ammo/ backpack upgrades and you can carry as much Eridian as you like... because it used to be 100 only, so this is very useful for Butstallion.

if you do get DLCs, then you could off course save all your DLCs for level 72 ...because last time in Ultimate, all my DLCs reverted back to ``never played before`` did the main game

this next ``ultimate pack 2`` might also switch the game back to Default start from scratch.....WE NEED TO CHECK THIS !!!! because redoing Torgue/tiny tina at level 72 will be brilliant..because both of these have very good loot

you could do this anyway.... just delete the DLCs from Steam, before downloading the next lot of stuff, Steam will then send you all your DLCs back.... never played before !

but it's about time they stopped milking this money machine and got on with BL3
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