Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Sounds too hard. Normal first playthrough is hard enough in parts with bizarre difficulty spikes where you’re shields instantly disappear at the first surprise attack.

Still absolutely loving the game though, level 32 and spent half of yesterday doing the treasure hunt mission, great fun all round.

Not at all trolling, but I personally love the difficulty and think it's perfect.

Normal is the equivalent of story mode. TVHM isn't worth looking at... But then UVHM is just enough challenge without it being frustrating.

A new difficulty could be that level of frustrating, but when you consider how many people will be playing this at max level, with farmed weapons...
Nothing stopping you taking your level 61 UVHM character and loading it into a TVHM or even normal game.

I played a bit with a level 55 character in the normal game, and you could one-shot almost everything with an average pistol. Or throw out a turret and scratch your arse while it killed everything for you.
it's deffo going to be harder than ultra, because that report said so, plus that's the way BL is..... BUT

Borderlands 2 is very addictive, so it's hard to say no... as for playing on TRUE VAULT HUNTER MODE etc, that's far too easy, no challenge at all....the correct level of hardness is somewhere between TRUE AND ULTRA...

when you start most of the AI will be on level 63, but with quite a few on level 64 to 66, so you is going to get totally slaughtered by these guys :( usual ;) i know it, you know it, the whole world knows it.
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Not at all trolling, but I personally love the difficulty and think it's perfect.

Normal is the equivalent of story mode. TVHM isn't worth looking at... But then UVHM is just enough challenge without it being frustrating.

A new difficulty could be that level of frustrating, but when you consider how many people will be playing this at max level, with farmed weapons...

I beg to differ. The first 5 levels of Normal, when you don't know what you're doing, are brutally hard. Midge-**** killed me over, and over, and over, until I figured out you just have to bum-rush her and forget the infinitely spawning reinforcements.

Funnily enough, Midge-**** is probably the hardest fight in Normal mode. Nothing else is so brutal, with infinite spawning enemies that are capable of hurting you so bad.

Compared to Midge-****, Bunk3r was cake walk. And Warrior was the easiest fight in the entire game on Normal.

I'm on TVHM now, and Midge-**** again killed me thanks to the infinite spawning troops. Bunker was again pretty easy, but I haven't beaten TVHM quite yet.

Hardest fight by FAR in TVHM is the Super Badass Pyre Thresher. I still don't have a good strat for them. Just get lucky :D
Anyone have a strat for Pyre Threshers as Axton? It really sucks to have an enemy that I just can't beat :p

And I swear they're slightly buggy too. If I'm in a tunnel, way out of range of his nova, I will still sometimes get hit by it. Like 20% chance to be hit even if I should be out of range.

Also what weapons work on them? At level 51 I have a rocket launcher doing 3x 50k damage. When all three land on the Thresher his HP bar barely even moves.

I've tried elemental guns of Shock/Erosion/Explosion, and they all deal reduced damage from what the gun says it should do. My Torgue AR, for example, is rated at 7k damage, but does about 20k per hit to bandits. On a Pyre, it does about 2-5k per hit, from what I can see (before I respawn :p)
The best strategy for Badass Pyre Threshers is to get as far away as possible from them, preferably a different zone entirely. They are just not an enemy you want to fight alone at all. Luckily they are very few and far between and I only know of a few places they spawn (one of which is the final wave of the Creature Circle of Slaughter unfortunately ><) and you generally don't have to fight them because they don't seem to follow come after you (assuming you actually got away in the first place).
I beg to differ. The first 5 levels of Normal, when you don't know what you're doing, are brutally hard. Midge-**** killed me over, and over, and over, until I figured out you just have to bum-rush her and forget the infinitely spawning reinforcements.

Funnily enough, Midge-**** is probably the hardest fight in Normal mode. Nothing else is so brutal, with infinite spawning enemies that are capable of hurting you so bad.

Compared to Midge-****, Bunk3r was cake walk. And Warrior was the easiest fight in the entire game on Normal.

I'm on TVHM now, and Midge-**** again killed me thanks to the infinite spawning troops. Bunker was again pretty easy, but I haven't beaten TVHM quite yet.

Hardest fight by FAR in TVHM is the Super Badass Pyre Thresher. I still don't have a good strat for them. Just get lucky :D

That Pyre Thresher i only ever see the once, down in Sawtooth, once spawned you have to run be safe you have to stand just inside the next map, and shoot back at him with the sniper, but the moment you walk back 20 ft into his turf; you'll be dead.

if you're using a shotty against him then you're standing way too close'll never kill him at close range so dont bother trying.

he is a Bitch, just like a Raid boss, in fact, he kills you far quicker than all of them, he usually slaps you from behind, with him about 150 ft away !!! :D

Saying that i dont go to Sawtooth that often, it's rubbish for loot !!!!....i prefer Bad Maw's camp
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Gearbox has confirmed that the upcoming Ultimate Vault Hunter Pack 2 that’s set to raise the level cap to 72 will also feature the all new ‘Digistruct Peak’, a mountain top training ground for the Crimson Raiders, and will release September 3.

Didistruck Peak will let players face enemies that they wouldn’t normally face at the same time such as skags and varkids and features an hour-long mission that’s suited for four players.

For those who love a real challenge, Gearbox is also throwing in the ‘Overpower’ feature, which will not only allow you to face harder enemies as you gain Overpower levels – capping out at 8 levels – but also allows you to collect and use loot up to level 80. That’s if you reach both the level 72 cap and the Overlimit cap.

so there you go ``for those who like a real challenge``....yea right :rolleyes:....... dont touch this DLC on your own, because it'll be virtually impossible :(:(

can you bypass this and do the much easier DLC Headhunter packs later on ?
yes, but you'll only be at level 61.....but this is by far the easiest way to get level capped to 72.
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Why get upset about it? BL2 is awesome, and solo play is a bonus. But if we can't reach the top levels without a team... that's not a deal-breaker, surely? Just team up? :p

That said I'm enjoying playing solo, because I hate rushing. Every time I play online, poeple want to rush through everything as quick as they can, skipping all dialogue, and leaving you behind if you don't already know the way...

Hence why I like to play on my own at my own pace, at least the first time.
so there you go ``for those who like a real challenge``....yea right :rolleyes:....... dont touch this DLC on your own, because it'll be virtually impossible :(:(

It will be fine. With the silly gear and specs in this game that let you insta kill everything on UVHM (including the raid bosses) I can't see 72 being an issue.
It will be fine. With the silly gear and specs in this game that let you insta kill everything on UVHM (including the raid bosses) I can't see 72 being an issue.

you what !!!! if you're insta killing everything then you're cheating ( by pure word definition)

unless of course you have far better gear than me.....but my Zero is sniper only, he cant insta kill anything, not a hope in hell, so for me this next DLC will be impossible......unless i team up with you guys.
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