Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

woop woop not long now! shame i have work on friday! thankfully nothing planned for friday night or the whole of saturday!
Im buzzing for this now :)

Unfortunately I have to pop out for a few hours on Saturday afternoon. Gutted!

besides that, I'll be playing all weekend!
I'm hoping I can download the rest of the game tonight as I want to take it into work for my break, can anyone confirm its size? I've preloaded 4.5GB but the steam store page says 13GB min and 20GB recommended...
I'm hoping I can download the rest of the game tonight as I want to take it into work for my break, can anyone confirm its size? I've preloaded 4.5GB but the steam store page says 13GB min and 20GB recommended...

Off the top of my head I remember it being around 9gb. Might be wrong though.
so who is playing this at midnight are you going solo or co-op madness with m8's and what character is the most favourite of the game

I'd guess a few will be playing midnight but a lot will have work and such so may just save it till Friday night.

As for most favourite a quick look of the BL2 forum suggests Salvador (gunzerker) was the preferred. However I doubt that many people will have bothered to answer it, even if they did its still a pretty small portion. I'd say go with which one you like the look of most!
Indeed. Judging by the few I've talked to on the subject, Zer0 is the most popular. I'll be co-oping with someone who wants to play Zer0 so I might play either Axton or the Gunzerker first.
How annoying I was looking forward to playing this all day as when I placed my order on steam they where saying it was to be released on the 20th which is today, had it pre loaded all week long and now won't be able to play it until Monday as I'm away from my desk this weekend. Why the change in dates?
How annoying I was looking forward to playing this all day as when I placed my order on steam they where saying it was to be released on the 20th which is today, had it pre loaded all week long and now won't be able to play it until Monday as I'm away from my desk this weekend. Why the change in dates?

How much difference has that really made? :confused: It was supposed to unlock at 6pm (god knows why it changed) which only gives you 4-6 hours to play it at best before you're away all weekend. Would just probably be even worse that way ><
I ordered and paid for this a few months ago with a discount code and I now have no idea who I ordered it from! I've looked through my emails and checked for any order history on the usual sites but can't find a thing! I hope it drops through my door tomorrow!
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