Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I can notice a different between 120 fps on my 120Hz monitor as opposed to 60/70/90, etc.

Not sure why other people can't? How people can play games on 60Hz monitors now I have no idea, it's like night and day.

Interestingly enough, Linus from LinusTechTips made a video to test whether your average gamer could see the difference between 60fps and 120fps on a 120Hz monitor. They did five segmented runs through a section on BF3 SP where Linus would change the refresh rate without the tester knowing what he selected and expected the guy to play for a bit and then guess the refresh rate. I think only one or two of his guesses were correct.

Now, a follow-up video had Linus--who is used to playing on 120Hz monitors--do the same test to see if he could tell the difference. Obviously Linus didn't know what the refresh rate was set to at any given point, but he nevertheless guessed correctly on all five occasions.

I think basically if you're used to it, I see no reason why someone couldn't tell the difference. There's obviously an extra layer of responsiveness and fluidity--however minute--to be had when gaming at 120fps compared to 60fps.

First video and follow-up video for anyone interested.
I can notice a different between 120 fps on my 120Hz monitor as opposed to 60/70/90, etc.

How people can play games on 60Hz monitors now I have no idea, it's like night and day.

I was comparing 60 and 120Hz monitors, the difference is night and day.

You can get a billion FPS on both a 60 and 120Hz monitor, the fact is it doesn't make the monitor refresh the screen any faster which is why 60Hz feels stuttery and laggy compared to a 120Hz monitor. And on that note, when your used to a 120Hz monitor and having smooth, fluid game play (120fps+) you do notice it when it drops

Out of interest have you used one before?

On a seperate note, recorded a small video to show the FPS drop. 50 fps on a Dx9 title?

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Why is steam cloud killing everyone?

Anyway, massive slowdown on the assainate the assassins mission, not had any anywhere else, dropped my frames to 30fps, and even turning off loads of stuff in game didn't rescue it. Spoke to someone else who suffered in the same place, be interesting to see if anyone here had similar.
steam cloud spazzed out on me earlier, said my files didnt agree with the ones on the cloud, it gave me the option to update the cloud or restore from the info on the cloud, i updated the cload and all was fine, dont know if this is anyway related to whats going on with others, but i'm backing up my save file every now and then just incase.

As far as slowdowns go only time i've seen anything below 40-50fps is in caustic caverns with physics on full where is just becomes unplayable, after that i have left physics on medium everything else is maxxed on 1920x1080.
6950's XFired + [email protected]
i play on 60htz 55'' tv and you cant tell the difference, it's totally smooth, especially Crysis 2.

it is only slow if the mouse sensitivity is too low, or the game has a bug.

if Borderlands 2 is jerky or dropping down to 30fps then it has a fault, because this game isn't anywhere near as graphics intensive as Bulletstorm, it's a kid's cartoon shooter, no more no less. because from reading this it looks like it has bugs anyway!
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On a seperate note, recorded a small video to show the FPS drop. 50 fps on a Dx9 title?

I thought youtube videos were capped at 24 fps? so trying to show fps drop wouldn't work on one, could be horribly wrong though.

anyway to fix not be able to join certain friends games???

tell them to forward some ports. I think its 3064 or 3074 or both that need forwarding in UDP.
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a, pick up the gun but not use it yet
b, pick up the gun but level down the damage to your current level so its not totallly OP
c, not have level restrictions on weapons.
B would be cool but C would ruin the game imo.

You can do A anyway though, I've picked up loads of stuff that's too high a level for me, you just cant hold down to equip it.
ok, but we have zero problems in other games.

will this effect our ability to join each other in other games???
No it won't, forwarding pots just opens it up for connections.
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I turned off vsync and now my capped FPS pretty much sits at 60 so I'm happier.

Was getting some chop before.

AMD X6 @ 4GHz/ 7850 2GB/ 2048x max settings.
hm i keep doing stupid things that are impeding my game.

for example when there is the kill the assasins mission where you get bonus if you kill with the right weapon class, well i didnt realise it was the badguy and killed him with another gun instead. so he dropped 3 qweapons to pick up and i thought, if i quit without saving and reload i can kill him right next time.

Nope, and as i didnt pick those 3 weapons up they dissapeared. lol:/

Not to mention not picking up higher level weapons because i thought you couldnt it just turns out my backpack was full.
Yeah I haven't been able to dismember anything, just lots of blood? Kinda sucks seeing as watching the top half of some bandit's body being blown off his legs was one of the best things in the original :(
Shotguns so far have been utter dross :(

Really enjoyed some of the pistols, got a cool little TMP thing earlier, huge mag :)
Playing as gunzerker, not really found any decent rifles yet, find myself quite often staying at range and using sniper guns. Wondering if I should change class and have a play.

First thing I did when I got to the town was extend backpack, guns able to be carried and bank :) Forgot how annoying the stupid starter inventories were.
Loving the game, its just these checkpoints driving me silly, they dont save your location, so if i have to leave the game, i have to do all the damn level again.

Wouldnt be so bad if i was playing with someone else, but i play solo, and have noticed its a lot harder than the original.

Im playing as gunzerker and have the two weapon skill, how do you fire the gun in your left hand?
Ripcord fellow bezerker here. Press both left and right mouse buttons like zoom and fir to fire both like you can in the vehicle to fire both weps. Happy to co op with anyone on missions. Get to lol 9 or 10 and add ballist1x on steam!
The whole PhysX thing is a bit daft everything seems to be working perfectly fine on high for me no problems using an ATi HD4870. Could even change it through the options menu.

The only thing I haven't got going is the co-op which is rather annoying. Tried everything now at this stage.

Evilsod was able to join me yesterday but I couldn't join him, no idea why.
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