Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

You've not played many RPG's have you?

Yea but when i enter an area and batter some guys who are more powerful than me, its a nice reward to get a higher level gun at a lower level.

i wish they;'d let you

a, pick up the gun but not use it yet
b, pick up the gun but level down the damage to your current level so its not totallly OP
c, not have level restrictions on weapons.

i cant remember exactly but im pretty sure that in Final Fantasy 7 etc you can pick up any weapon out in the wild niot dependent on level and thats a pretty good game.

Its just frsutrating i go into an area i dont know and at that point i dont know that i wont be able to pick up the weapons until i open the chest and then bam its too late cos the guns wont stay there for 4 hours while i level up and come back they will have vanished, losing me out for just being good at the game and being ahead of myself?

thanks also DG ill try and find that roboot soon.
Yea but when i enter an area and batter some guys who are more powerful than me, its a nice reward to get a higher level gun at a lower level.

i wish they;'d let you

a, pick up the gun but not use it yet
b, pick up the gun but level down the damage to your current level so its not totallly OP
c, not have level restrictions on weapons.

i cant remember exactly but im pretty sure that in Final Fantasy 7 etc you can pick up any weapon out in the wild niot dependent on level and thats a pretty good game.

Its just frsutrating i go into an area i dont know and at that point i dont know that i wont be able to pick up the weapons until i open the chest and then bam its too late cos the guns wont stay there for 4 hours while i level up and come back they will have vanished, losing me out for just being good at the game and being ahead of myself?

thanks also DG ill try and find that roboot soon.

Huh? Yes the weapons have no level req, but they are also staggered out through the game to stop you getting hold of something crazy powerful early on. That is essentially what a level req in this game is for, to stop that happening.

And what are you on about that you can't pick up high levels guns :confused:

Tiny Tina is a complete nutjob. Also that area has some extremely dangerous native animal life!

Fighting the robots is endlessly entertaining imo. With the sniper rifle you just blast off both arms then finish them off with a shot to the red sensor if they need it. Even more fun when you do it to the Badass versions :D
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Yup saw Tiny Tina last night and she was absolutely brilliant, a complete and utter nut job. It was refreshing because i haven't seen a character that nutty and funny in a game in a long time.
Can you not get premium now it's been released?

Also how does the co-op work. If i buy it today would you need to find others who are at the same stage to play with? Are you just doing the same story line but with 3 other people?
has anybody else had any problems with stuttering? launched the game yesterday and was completely fine. Tried today and it seems to constantly stutter, not sure what has caused it as nothing has changed.

(using nvidia if it makes any difference)

Well figured out the solution if anyone else starts getting stuttering...turns out it was a problem to do with...being connected to a network :confused:

The solution was to try disconnecting and voila..

Also discovered that alt-tabbing whilst playing on LAN causes lag :p
I do love PC gamers sometimes.

If you didn't have an FPS monitor running you would probably never have even noticed that.

I can notice a different between 120 fps on my 120Hz monitor as opposed to 60/70/90, etc.

Not sure why other people can't? How people can play games on 60Hz monitors now I have no idea, it's like night and day.

i dont believe any of this, your rig should be able to handle this game with nowhere near 16gb ram, hang around this is Borderlands, the last game was no more advanced than Serious Sam HD.

My last rig played the first game with 4gb ram and a GT 8800, this 2nd game is no different, except for physics x, even so this is still not that much compared to something like crysis 2, if this latest game is demanding more/causing you problems then it has a bug or two.

i say this because on other forums they're saying the same too, it's slowing down their rigs !

That's why i'm quite shocked as well. I can run BF3 at high settings and still maintain around 120 fps at all times.

With this game i've noticed the GPU isn't at 100% useage and although it does reach 120fps, it regularly drops here and there down to 60/50.
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How people can play games on 60Hz monitors now I have no idea

People play games on consoles just fine at 30fps, saying 60fps is better is normal, but saying how people "can't play on 60Hz monitors" is just complete and utter ******** tbh mate.
People play games on consoles just fine at 30fps, saying 60fps is better is normal, but saying how people "can't play on 60Hz monitors" is just complete and utter ******** tbh mate.

That's your opinion.

I've always played games at the highest Hz possible as it makes everything a lot smoother and IMO offers a much nicer experience.

I'd still be using a CRT if I had the space on my desk ;)
People play games on consoles just fine at 30fps, saying 60fps is better is normal, but saying how people "can't play on 60Hz monitors" is just complete and utter ******** tbh mate.

That's your opinion.

I've always played games at the highest Hz possible as it makes everything a lot smoother and IMO offers a much nicer experience.

I'd still be using a CRT if I had the space on my desk ;)

I can notice a different between 120 fps on my 120Hz monitor as opposed to 60/70/90, etc.

Not sure why other people can't? How people can play games on 60Hz monitors now I have no idea, it's like night and day.

Whereas that is yours...though most will probably disagree.

It's completely fine to play games to play games on 60Hz monitors, Really don't understand where you are getting this nonsense from that playing on a 60Hz monitor is a bad thing. :confused:
I don't recall saying it was a bad thing to play on a 60Hz monitor?

I said the difference between playing a game on a 120Hz monitor and a 60Hz monitor was like night and day, which it is :)
Why is steam cloud killing everyone?

Anyway, massive slowdown on the assainate the assassins mission, not had any anywhere else, dropped my frames to 30fps, and even turning off loads of stuff in game didn't rescue it. Spoke to someone else who suffered in the same place, be interesting to see if anyone here had similar.
I don't recall saying it was a bad thing to play on a 60Hz monitor?

I said the difference between playing a game on a 120Hz monitor and a 60Hz monitor was like night and day, which it is :)

We're not saying about the difference, you just said "How can anyone play on a 60Hz monitor" which is basically saying 60fps is unplayable, when 60fps is more than enough for most people! Anything above 30 I can cope with.
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