Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Well running everything at high at 1080p I can't say it runs completely smooth.

3570k at 4.4GHz
670 GTX (1292 core)

306.23 and although I do get normally around 120 fps it drops to 50/60 at times even with the GPU not being used fully.

I also have an annoying random pause and sometimes crash issue but that appears to of been sorted now i've gone from 8GB to 16GB of ram.
So I managed to play for a bit last night, I managed to click on something in my inventory that instantly disappeared, no idea what it was. I have the pre-order stuff and also have BL1 stuff from it detecting my install, anybody able to tell me what it was?
I do love PC gamers sometimes.

If you didn't have an FPS monitor running you would probably never have even noticed that.


Maybe if it's dropping to 30, yes, it is noticeable but for a few seconds doesn't make a difference imo because so much is going on, you're not really bothered about the fps while mashing heads in.
So I managed to play for a bit last night, I managed to click on something in my inventory that instantly disappeared, no idea what it was. I have the pre-order stuff and also have BL1 stuff from it detecting my install, anybody able to tell me what it was?

If you had just started, you get a little audio log for each character which gives you a kind of hint to their back story/motivation.

Unfortunately if you use it whilst there is another audio track going such as someone talking to you, it doesn't play.

You didn't miss much.
I'm on a PII X6 at 3.4 with a 5870 and 4Gb ram, my FPS has yet to go below 50.

I mean it's hardly a graphically intensive game, cell shading allows for much lower res textures and the art style lends itself to a lack of curved edges.
has anybody else had any problems with stuttering? launched the game yesterday and was completely fine. Tried today and it seems to constantly stutter, not sure what has caused it as nothing has changed.

(using nvidia if it makes any difference)
Well, I wasn't planning to buy this. I never played the original, and the cartoony graphics kind of put me off.

But I just did.

Time to give it a whirl... Hope it doesn't disappoint!
Well running everything at high at 1080p I can't say it runs completely smooth.

3570k at 4.4GHz
670 GTX (1292 core)

306.23 and although I do get normally around 120 fps it drops to 50/60 at times even with the GPU not being used fully.

I also have an annoying random pause and sometimes crash issue but that appears to of been sorted now i've gone from 8GB to 16GB of ram.

i dont believe any of this, your rig should be able to handle this game with nowhere near 16gb ram, hang around this is Borderlands, the last game was no more advanced than Serious Sam HD.

My last rig played the first game with 4gb ram and a GT 8800, this 2nd game is no different, except for physics x, even so this is still not that much compared to something like crysis 2, if this latest game is demanding more/causing you problems then it has a bug or two.

i say this because on other forums they're saying the same too, it's slowing down their rigs !
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Played for a few hours today, got to level 10. Steam then lost my save files and now I can't be bothered.

Same here. Steam crapped out last night then today when I got to the main menu there was no continue, just start a new games :mad:. Just had to play it for 4 hours to get to the same level I was last night, because my "mate" decided he couldn't be bothered to wait for me to level up so now I have to play solo.
Question: When I'm in the inventory screen or buying screen the screen flickers for a second, as it its trying to change the resolution. Anyone else have this bug?

I'm running dual screen btw.
Just started the Vault Hunter mode with Jongo. It's absolutely mental. Much, much tougher than the first playthrough but some crazy loot! :D
I failed hard with the gold key. Went into the room and saw what i thought was a random chest, went oooo and opened it. Realised when I got 2 purple items out of it :(

I did exactly the same, was kicking myself. Luckily I got an extra key from that Shift thing in the extras menu :D

Also, found a lil easter egg

Well i got in about midnight thought id play for 30 mins and here i am...

This game is fun and addictive. thanks for recommending! now i just have to figure what all the gun upgrade and mission malarky is all about. But i now have an elemental sniper rifle that deals fire. so i hit them with that and then whip out my deagle lookalike pistol but its a revolver that does a lot of damage and fires as fast as i can fire!

Edit since some online game ppl jolioned me this afternoon, my robot friend has dissapeared. im lvl 9 now is that right? or should he still be following me? its like soemthing wierd happened when i quit the game after multiplayer.;
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