Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Just completed Finks Circle of Slaughter in 2 man coop. Absolutely awesome fight and definitely an improvement over the arena's in the last game which felt too small. The ending was brilliant. Running out of ammo so I thought it would be a good idea to let these 3 Raging Goliaths fight:


Let me tell you... it wasn't. The winner leveled up and the next wave spawned so I had to run off and leave it. Next time I saw it...


Is it just me who is struggling with money? (might be due to the fact im only level 10 but meh) but always seems like I struggle to get enough. If I see a decent gun for sale then chances are buying it would take away 98% of the measily pittance I have :( ($3,000)

Selling rubbish guns doesnt seem to be bringing much in either,
Cant say i struggled, i wasnt exactly rolling in cash, but had enough to keep me in ammo etc.
money is definitely much easier to come by as you level up/start fighting bigger bosses/complete certain missions.
Iam level 23 and only have a few k on me following a mission that killed me a good dozen times, this game is easily 3x harder then BL1 at times.

My turret now usually only lasts a couple of seconds when in early game it would beast areas.
WOW in the last 20 minutes of playing i just Won/Discovered 4 weapons that just completely blow away everything else in my inventory, the best one is what i can only describe as an elephant gun... but it dishes out massive damage, its hitting over 20k critical hits on bandits:eek:

Give us pics, don't keep us in suspenders.
I'm not finding money an issue -- I have just over 15K at the moment and that's with having died about three times with $900-1000 in penalties. I just use my money to keep my ammo in check. I was worried at the beginning that this would be one of those games where you have to be conservative with ammo, but with such low ammo costs I've found that to be almost the complete opposite (in fact, it wouldn't even be that detrimental to the gameplay if ammo didn't exist -- kind of like how Mass Effect 1 was ammo-less).
Loving this game so much :D, although used my golden key like a noob by mistake oh well also i lost the items that gave me lol.

Although listening to claptrap beat-box around the Sanctuary is awesome :D
Just starting now, pretty hyped! If anyones up for some low level coop hit me up on Evaporated Water™.

Erm I mean Steam. :D

Omaeka (or in siggy).
Completed it tonight with one of my friends - 24 hours play time, not rushing but we left several side missions towards the end of the game so we would have something fresh on a second run.

Must say I quite enjoyed it bar steam causing some disconnection issues. Shame about the golden keys not giving me much although I did find a 'bonus launcher' in the caustic level which is still OP at the end the game as it seems to vaporize most things in the vicinity with a single shot.
Is it just me who is struggling with money? (might be due to the fact im only level 10 but meh) but always seems like I struggle to get enough. If I see a decent gun for sale then chances are buying it would take away 98% of the measily pittance I have :( ($3,000)

Selling rubbish guns doesnt seem to be bringing much in either,

lvl 22 now and i have over 60k in the bank, with nothing more than ammo to buy, everything ive found is from loot and sold, go into a coop and pick up any loot left behind, usually worth a good few hundred a piece.
does anyone know if the pink mines respawn for the challenge 'what's yours is mine'? I didn't know they had a motion detector and one blew up. Hope that doesn't mean I can't complete the challenge...
Just used my two golden keys... Got two relics (lame....) and a purple launcher 1750x3 damage, fairly happy with that.

I used one of my keys early on before I realised what they were, though it gave me a decent gun that I used for about the next 10 levels. Now I'm saving the last key for when I reach max level to get higher level gear.
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