Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I'm not surprised you were having issues if you were rocking 3 fire guns.

You need to mix it up

fire vs flesh, electric vs shields, acid vs robots/armour

TBH, I had the exact same issue as there seems to be a limited choice of elemental weapons in the first dozen or so levels.
Of the decent guns I've found with elemental damage, the majority had fire damage, some have had electric damage and 1 had explosive damage. I've not found any with corrosive damage, which is a bit galling after suffering though 3 areas of mainly robot enemies :(
I was going to play as Zero on my second playthrough, but i'm playing as Maya right now. The phaselock ability comes in really handy.

Im playing as Zero, and while at the very start and early levels, say upto around lvl 14 its a little bit difficult, depending on which skill tree you pick and what tokens you have allocated, but once you get a good sniper, and pistol, and a semi decent shotgun you can pretty much tackle everything without many issues, the only thing i will say is, be prepared to die a lot as Zero, ive died so many times its just part of the fun.
Im playing as Zero, and while at the very start and early levels, say upto around lvl 14 its a little bit difficult, depending on which skill tree you pick and what tokens you have allocated, but once you get a good sniper, and pistol, and a semi decent shotgun you can pretty much tackle everything without many issues, the only thing i will say is, be prepared to die a lot as Zero, ive died so many times its just part of the fun.

That's good to hear. I only tried up to level 7 (I promised I'd wait to play it co-op with someone) But I massively struggled in the boss areas. The captain guy the only way I could do it was die and then shoot him from the area out of his reach

(as a side note, why do they allow this? It was the same in the first)
TBH, I had the exact same issue as there seems to be a limited choice of elemental weapons in the first dozen or so levels.
Of the decent guns I've found with elemental damage, the majority had fire damage, some have had electric damage and 1 had explosive damage. I've not found any with corrosive damage, which is a bit galling after suffering though 3 areas of mainly robot enemies :(

Been the opposite for me tbh, have yet to come across a decent fire weapon.

Majority of mine have been explosive.
And Im playing as Zer0 too. Will echo what others have said.

Very hard at first, died countless times. But now at level 17 i can lay waste to most things in my path.

Weapons of choice are Sniper, Shotgun and an SMG which does 50x2 damage per shot.

Love it!
Is it just me who is struggling with money? (might be due to the fact im only level 10 but meh) but always seems like I struggle to get enough. If I see a decent gun for sale then chances are buying it would take away 98% of the measily pittance I have :( ($3,000)

Selling rubbish guns doesnt seem to be bringing much in either,

I really can't see how, there's weaponry, money and ammo in abundance everywhere?

I'm level 19 with just over 40k in the bank... I have nothing to spend my money on?
Payday needs to hurry up! I spent 20 hours over the weekend playing BL1 again, and I now have a hankering for 2 :D
I really can't see how, there's weaponry, money and ammo in abundance everywhere?

I'm level 19 with just over 40k in the bank... I have nothing to spend my money on?

I'm the same. Not much to spend it on, except at the slots and ammo/health.

However saying that I can easily spend 10k at the slots in one sitting lol.
There's a really easy way to defeat that constructor robot when playing as Zero. All you do is use Zero's hologram distraction ability (f key) and then equip a shotgun and quickly move behind the constructor to the doorway behind it. If you stay in a certain position it's ground slam attack has no effect and it can't turn fast enough to shoot you with missiles. Get the right weapon equipped and you'll make short work of it.
There's a really easy way to defeat that constructor robot when playing as Zero. All you do is use Zero's hologram distraction ability (f key) and then equip a shotgun and quickly move behind the constructor to the doorway behind it. If you stay in a certain position it's ground slam attack has no effect and it can't turn fast enough to shoot you with missiles. Get the right weapon equipped and you'll make short work of it.

Even easier way....

Play as Zer0, use decoy ability, equip RPG, go behind constructor, wait till 1 second left on timer then fire.

1 shot kill.
somehow spent 20 hours over the weekend despite being out sat night and sunday afternoon lol.

id say for first playthrough dont do co op. i set mine to let randoms join and now when i go back o old places its like im there for the first time with lvl 3 weapons knocking about despite me being lvl 13 lol.

Best gun for me so far in terms of practical usage is a Sniper rifle that does elemental fire damage. I use that to set em burning and if they get close explosive shotgun them down. and have a fast handgun on standby to finish off any strays.

So addicted to the game. i can just never decide to keep or sell the weapons i have like 4 elemental fire handguns but i dont know which to keep! also lots of sniper rifles one that does 200+ pershot and seems to take 600-800 off for a critical which is pretty sweet.

i also won an explosive like cannon type thing worth a 2k to sell and tbh with that doing over 200 damage per shot it makes things quite easy. the bullets also seem to bounce so its not just a standard explosive assault rifle etc.

gutted early on i found a small handgun with 2 circles on the top right of the body of it, it was like fully auto with a 48+ round clip lol. think i sold it:(

i dunno i might even start again. but some of those frostburn canyon bit was a bit annoying.

i have a corrosive shield so if any birds attack me they die and anyone who gets too close ends up corroding so i can kill them faster.

I also have a great lvl 14 corrosive sniper rifle that ive had for the last 3 levels but i cant use it yet:/
What level approx is this constructor mission.

Im playing as Zero (not played BL1) and am finding it ok lvl 10 at the mo. I have only died 4 times in total I think it is.
Thoroughly enjoying the game. Shoot, loot and scoot :D

I also love the sense of humour. After Handsome Jack's horse, I was almost incapacitated with laughter at the final replacement name for Bullymongs :D
So which characters are people enjoying?

I was going to play a sniper zero but I've seen a lot of people say it's really, really difficult. Anyone else trying this?

Zer0 is epic. I don't see why people are having trouble early game with him either. So long as you get yourself a half decent sniper rifle you can pop heads off any time.

Love Zer0 he is amazing. Level 20 and can crit for 7.6k with a blue weapon.

7.6k!? I'm assuming you mean while using Deception and possibly ****? I'm using a 360ish damage sniper rifle at lvl21 and my regular headshot (in the Circle of Slaughter) was 2-3k

Also I didn't think Deception worked with Rocket Launchers? Loving mine atm though, 3x 1075. Very handy when you go down next to a powerful enemy or need a little insurance.
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