Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Just started playing this tonight, really does seem like a step up in difficulty from BL1, could really just zerg your way through that but this takes a lot more strategy to stay alive, really impressed with the first couple of hours playing :cool:
Just started playing this tonight, really does seem like a step up in difficulty from BL1, could really just zerg your way through that but this takes a lot more strategy to stay alive, really impressed with the first couple of hours playing :cool:

I think its quite a bit easier than the first
I have died more times in one playthrough the I did in 4 on BL1, this game is much harder. The enemies are a hell of a lot more potent and scale with you in a lot more areas.
The DR Mercy mission is buggy, you have to go back out of the area and come back in again to search his body.

I never had that problem. What is annoying though is that only 15 bandits will attack you in that area after you pick up the weapon so you need to go somewhere else.

I have 13k at Level 12, not really struggled with cash at all.

Nah, so long as you don't keep spending it at moxxi's place on the slots I can't see how you'd run out of cash tbh (short of dieing an awful lot). Once you hit a fairly major plot spoiler regarding Sanctuary we started to rack up quite a lot of cash.

It is definitely harder than the first. You were almost constantly overlevelled in the first for the majority of the first playthrough whereas in this one, the overlevelling doesn't make as much difference. You can't just walk up to something 3 levels below you and instagib it with a glance.
Fairplay, this game is awesome!

I didn't really play the first Boarderlands, but I'm having so much fun with this.

Currently playing a Sniper at level 18 along with a couple of friends, and loving every minute :D
im not having problems with cash thankfully,on around 150k at level 23 used all my iridium to buy bag upgrades!

need to find some decent guns, still using lower level ones which is a little frustrating. finding that not as many blue/purple/orange guns drop compared to BL1
lvl 14 and have 20k or so . The key is selling weps but lack of bag space and keeping a variety of weps is key as lots of mobs are resistant to certain types ..

I was rocking 3 fire weps then came to the bit before the robot part and i could not kill anything.. had to use a basic white gun just so i could kill stuff .

And as for the poster who said its easier. You must be playing a different game as i die often and mobs hit like trucks unless of course yer sniping everything from a mile away .

Saving the black guy in the robot bit was very hard !!
How on earth do you get this shift thing to work?

I went thrut he in game menus and sined up.
It then sent me an email stating:
PRO TIP: If you link your Shift account to Borderlands 2 from within the game (Main Menu -> Extras -> Shift Code) a Golden Key will be automatically added to your in-game inventory – you can use it to unlock a rare item in the mysterious Sanctuary loot chest. This will happen automatically with no code input required -- it's a pretty cool deal!

With a link to confirm my address.
I clicked it to confirm address and its now showing my steam accoutn as already linked :/

Wantd my extra bloody key :(
So which characters are people enjoying?

I was going to play a sniper zero but I've seen a lot of people say it's really, really difficult. Anyone else trying this?
lvl 14 and have 20k or so . The key is selling weps but lack of bag space and keeping a variety of weps is key as lots of mobs are resistant to certain types ..

I was rocking 3 fire weps then came to the bit before the robot part and i could not kill anything.. had to use a basic white gun just so i could kill stuff .

And as for the poster who said its easier. You must be playing a different game as i die often and mobs hit like trucks unless of course yer sniping everything from a mile away .

Saving the black guy in the robot bit was very hard !!

I didn't save him and had to go off somewhere else to rescue him instead. Ended up having to fight the same bloody thing again but this time I came equipped with some gun which fired explosive cannonballs in quick succession that made short work of the constructor.
I didn't save him and had to go off somewhere else to rescue him instead. Ended up having to fight the same bloody thing again but this time I came equipped with some gun which fired explosive cannonballs in quick succession that made short work of the constructor.

Yup same .. even with exploding pistol i could not clear it fast enough so had to go to the base .. But that was dam hard.. silly flying things and constant spawning robots .

I finally got a angle on him from the right hand side which was pulling less aggro which let me slowly pound the boss down but even when dead i had a fight to clear what was left. Good fun but died 4-5 times at $1500 a death hehe
So which characters are people enjoying?

I was going to play a sniper zero but I've seen a lot of people say it's really, really difficult. Anyone else trying this?

I gave up with Zero and swapped to Axton much easier. Axton has a skill where when your shield is full it regens health, it comes in very handy.
im on him at moment . you could in borderlands 1 deploy shield and regen health. one of my other co op buds has a gun which heals you when he shoots you.
So which characters are people enjoying?

I was going to play a sniper zero but I've seen a lot of people say it's really, really difficult. Anyone else trying this?

I was going to play as Zero on my second playthrough, but i'm playing as Maya right now. The phaselock ability comes in really handy.
Loving this game.

Gutted that I'm at work today. 20 hours played this weekend, level 17 now.

I love playing co-op, but im the sort who likes to do everything. I panic when playing co-op as I dont have a chance to explore, and read quest logs and just take my time. Took me about 10 hours to get to level 10 solo.

Cant decide whether to skip co-op for my first playthrough and do it all in my own time, then playthrough 2 I can do as much co-op as I like as I would have seen and done everything there is to offer. Hmm, decisions.
lvl 14 and have 20k or so . The key is selling weps but lack of bag space and keeping a variety of weps is key as lots of mobs are resistant to certain types ..

I was rocking 3 fire weps then came to the bit before the robot part and i could not kill anything.. had to use a basic white gun just so i could kill stuff .

And as for the poster who said its easier. You must be playing a different game as i die often and mobs hit like trucks unless of course yer sniping everything from a mile away .

Saving the black guy in the robot bit was very hard !!

I'm not surprised you were having issues if you were rocking 3 fire guns.

You need to mix it up

fire vs flesh, electric vs shields, acid vs robots/armour
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