Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Gah missed both of them and have to go work soon, fml :(:p.

Got 1 key left but have a sneaking suspicion it'll give me something utterly useless...
Argh, 44 mins too long for a sleep in :( oh well hopefully ill catch another set later, could do with a few golden keys (mine vanished from a crashed save)

Did you try them? Might work anyway.

Gah missed both of them and have to go work soon, fml :(:p.

Got 1 key left but have a sneaking suspicion it'll give me something utterly useless...

Lol. Yeah I tried one earlier on Zer0. Got a pink LMG style AR and an explosive shotgun. Neither particularly useful for him but they might be ok on my Gunzerker.
i'm now at level 30 final boss fight, but i now need to go back again and get up to level 31 before returning, level 30 seems a bit low

this boss fight is miles easier than Crawmerax, but on your own you'll still need top grade weapons only; mainly because you run out of ammo i'll now need to search for these, no rush take your time
Up to Caustic Caverns on PT2 now, all solo. The game is starting to turn from difficult into "very cheap". Some bandits / monsters just rip all my shields off and leave me at 5% HP in one hit (even regular ones)... options are run away and kite them or be cheap and try to get to a spot where they can't hit you but you can hit them. This is with 15k shields and 24k HP at level 43.

In fact I might as well just not have health or shields, just give me two circles at the bottom - one hit takes a bubble, so death in two hits as that's pretty much what is happening now regardless of how much shields / health I have :p
So after 50 hours of play I've hit a bug where the autosave icon is constantly on screen so I cant change zones or fast travel. Plus exit & save results in the game crashing out, across all my characters. Even a new lvl 1 character hits this bug at the first auto save point meaning I can't even start from fresh........

Anyone else hit this bug or know of a fix for it? :(
2nd playthough ?'ve got to be kidding, it stops now :D i'm not repeating this lot again!

but i might not be able to play the DLCs without it, because i expect they start at level 50, they deffo did last game or was this because i tried to play them just after i had started the 2nd playthrough ?.... i remember visiting ``Zombie island`` and receiving a message telling me to go back, because the zombies were 15 levels above me....... ha ha

the trouble with this game is:- the bandits are always ahead of you, the game plays exactly the same at level 68 as it does at level 30.

you cant really go back and do side missions to level up, i tried this at level 24, the missions were all back at level 10, i got no skill points at all, i did 3 side missions and the bar only moved up one click...... i had to level up killing the Goliath on full health, plus redoing Brick's missions, all of the earlier side quests were just wasting time.
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i cant see any point in repeating a game that you know exactly what's going to happen, replay favourite areas yes, that's different.
What I did was purposely not do some side missions so when I redid the next playthrough I still have content to do.
OR have a shield that heals you

Or class skills or a class mod (or a teammate with a class mod). Or a grenade mod. I didn't think this game had health regen shields?

The second playthrough is a vastly different style though because the enemies obviously hit harder so you have to be more careful.
Found this guy today!

What I did was purposely not do some side missions so when I redid the next playthrough I still have content to do.

yea i know, i still have loads of side missions that i havent done yet, plus loads of areas in the existing maps that i havent even visited yet, i keep saying ``look at that over there`` i'll visit that next time.

this game has enough repeat content to last till FAR CRY 3, plus i havent done a single mission yet from a bounty board, not one :eek:

the best shootouts are always when you're calm and relaxed after finishing the main game, i played the first BL for over a year !

this game continually respawns, so you can stay in Brick's camp all night long..... hell yea' baby :D:D

have you got that Bane gun SMG, the gun that's cursed with evil spirits, it's brilliant but you cant run when you're carrying it, it's excellent if you're wounded it kills Goliath easily right now, it's supposed to be annoying but it's actually quite amusing
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So in answer to my own issue in case it crops up for anyone else:
I re-installed from a steam backup, restarted my machine and then verified the local files now it all appears to be working again. Verify alone didn't fix it for me.

For the 2nd play through the enemies slightly change don't they? so where you had normal bandits in play one you now get armoured bandits in play 2?
For the 2nd play through the enemies slightly change don't they? so where you had normal bandits in play one you now get armoured bandits in play 2?
Yeah, that's right. The skins, models and names of the monsters/bandits are all different. It's actually quite good as I was just expecting the names to be different but some of the models and skins are different. There's also entirely new things to fight, like Armoured Bandits.
Ha, i scanned the QR code outside the Safe in the HQ and it says "NICK WILSON - HO OH"

edit: Bah, someone else had done it already, although they had to tweak it in MS Paint, my Android phone picked it straight up. (Oh that was for Borderlands 1..)
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