Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Neat, killed Warden, rocket launchers rule.

I found that,

After trying to kill it with sniper rifles and shotguns numerous times, and dying over and over and over lol

Game seems to be really picking up, can't remember having this much buzz playing the first one through.

Currently trying to make my way through Finks Slaughterhouse on the way to the Highlands, Lvl 15 if memory serves, but small problem, I start round one of the slobber knocker, clear it.......... Just, and go to activate that switch on the center console on the little island thing but it won't activate? There is no way out of the area, all the doors are firmly shut and well, I'm at a complete loss, the game states that the mission has a time limit, but it doesn't say what the limit is, nor does it flash up on my screen if i've failed or !?!

has anyone else found that?
Am I the only one who seems to have no bugs with Finks Slaughterhouse? :confused: I've heard of waves getting stuck in multiple places and you're saying the exit doesn't open after you complete it? I just cleared all 5 waves (with a couple of stupid fails on the first 2 rounds) and it didn't bug once.

Cheers for the code. Where the hell did they come from?
Am I the only one who seems to have no bugs with Finks Slaughterhouse? :confused: I've heard of waves getting stuck in multiple places and you're saying the exit doesn't open after you complete it? I just cleared all 5 waves (with a couple of stupid fails on the first 2 rounds) and it didn't bug once.

Cheers for the code. Where the hell did they come from?

I'm just up to round 5 and I've not had any problems.

Codes come from he's been popping them out recently, apparently testing for a big code drop :eek:
Just got this :D

Really has an 11 shot clip and does around 300-400 damage, damn fibbing gun :D
4 keys in total. 1 used accidentally. Might take a punt on my Zer0. He's lvl28 and could really do with a new sniper rifle. I've got some but one is a burst fire **** which is annoying and the aim seems off and a good Shock but it does sod all against most enemies. Chances of me getting a sniper rifle that is also good is slim though ><
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