Borderlands 3

Anyone else replaying BL2 getting loads of Legendaries? I got 2 oranges form the 3 loot midgets in Wildlife last night. Could be coincidence except for the 8 or 9 oranges I've picked up the last couple of weeks. Drop rates seem to have been exploded by Mr Torgue...

I've been playing a bit in the past couple of months, all same as ever to me.
Anyone else replaying BL2 getting loads of Legendaries? I got 2 oranges form the 3 loot midgets in Wildlife last night. Could be coincidence except for the 8 or 9 oranges I've picked up the last couple of weeks. Drop rates seem to have been exploded by Mr Torgue...

I thought I was the only one. Started a few new characters as well. I've never seen so many legendaries as I have in the past month. And it's random drops as well.
Didn't they say with the Ultra HD packs that they'd increased the legendary drops and included three new ones? I can't quite recall.
If anyone has played 2 a little too often and finds it stale, I can heartily recommend the community patch. Doesn't add a colossal amount but it fixes a fair few things, reskins a lot of the weapons and modifies (and often renames) some of the legendary's so they're actually viable for endgame play.
I thought I was the only one. Started a few new characters as well. I've never seen so many legendaries as I have in the past month. And it's random drops as well.

I could swear they have increased the drop rates on legendaries now, which would be a very nice touch. Not that I am complaining, Randy!
Thx for that info, did not know that, cheers

No worries, still means another launcher of course but maybe its a more acceptable one than Epic to the anti-Epic folk. Plus you get quite a few really good titles and its only 3.99 instead of the inevitable 49.99 it will be on Epic/Steam
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