When you choose which character you play it has stats there with gametime.
I've got a playtime of just over a day, 26 hours complete. I see entirely no point myself in playing through with the same character a second time, for higher damage guns. a 300 damage uber revolver with lvl 35 enemies, or a 600 damage revolver with level 50 enemies where it ends up doing the same percentage damage. They could basically just give you the option at the start of the first game, option A, play with big numbers, option B, play with smaller numbers, option C, its the same either way you do it so play so randomly choose for me.
Trying to play through with a Hunter, just feels the same, but easier frankly. As I said before, the gun generating engine seems massively flawed and seems to favour giving out ridiculous revolvers compared to any other gun at any point. Being that Hunter can specialise in pistols, and in snipers which seem to be the second most useful gun in the game its a joke.
Its a huge shame that shotguns/combat rifles/rocket launchers seem completely pointless, launchers simply don't do the damage they should, 800ish is the highest damage I saw for a single rocket fire with a max rounds of 2 before a LONG reload. I had a revolver that would hold 9 that did 7x100 damage with each shot and reloaded in about a second plus had a scope.
As cool as the rocket launching shotgun sounds, its inaccurate and does awful damage and yet to see one with elemental damage
The thing about a game like this is, its sooo damn close to fantastic, which is far more frustrating than a crap game being no where near
THe biggest "flaw" though is building it up as some kind of uber long game where you NEED better guns and loot. Its too easy, you don't need the best gun and theres no "raid" style content where after the main story theres extra stuff you really need better weapons to take on.
DOesn't change it being a very enjoyable single player game, just not sure why anyone, not least themselves, are acting like its some kind of uber long looty grindy game.