
Co-op very disappointing, almost given up on it. Most of the time you can't get a game and when you do people charge all over the place. No real team play.

Single player lots of fun, its very much a MMOFPS.

The random loot can cause problems. You can end up doing crap damage until the game drops a great gun.
Co-op very disappointing, almost given up on it. Most of the time you can't get a game and when you do people charge all over the place. No real team play.

Thats something thats annoyed me too. I've tried everything and am still having a horrid time trying to connect to games. The one I did get in to was a nightmare, people just running in to swarms of monsters and dieing. They then had the cheek to turn around and blame me for not healing them. I was level 10 at the time and my turret was still recharging from the fight about 5 seconds before their glorious charge.

Its a shame I can't connect to my friends as I love the game. Got a feeling its quite short but i'm looking forward to playing through again, trying out other characters too.
I'm concerned how the two will live togethor.

Assuming you will play single player more than co-op, it means all of you (you & your mates) will be re-treading ground you've all done before (in single player).

I wonder if it will suffer because of that.

In an ideal world of course you'd all (you & your mates) would only play it togethor... and not in single player... But that's not likely to happen :)

me pookie quark and tefal have made a character just for co-op in that team. very good way of doing it.
the game plays very differently in co-op too on account of it being ****in tough!

and you can retread ground focusing on different guns. i think ill play through on each character eventually,
i wanted to like this but im quite impatient and i spent a good hour with that useless peashooter rusty machine gun doing no damage to anything and there was no teamwork everyone was going seperate ways, i turned it off with a frowny face lol
Maybe its the age old thing, where after a month or so all the kids will leave because they get bored and it will become a better game all round.
I can't believe how frustrating it is trying to and failing to connect to other people hosting a game. Lan works fine however. I think an update is due. Are people having the same problem on the XBOX?
was playing this one the xbox but got the pc version and it so much easyer then to play with the mouse and keyboard then the controller

Just killed Slegde I think and just hit level 20 as a hunter I do like HeadShots :)
it's not. I've clocked up about 50 hours now and still more quests to do yet.

I've clocked up 14 so far and have apparently completed 42% of the game. Just completed the second story mission in the Arid Headlands and have done all of the sidequests up to this point. Dunno where one of my mates saw this statistic, unless he's getting it confused with "Guns Found" :p. He said it was on the invite screen when he tried to bring me in to his game. I'm sure i've found well over 42 guns though!
Public coop seems to be a bit lame, everyone is just out for themselves,
Private coop is great you get to use teamwork, share the equipment around and generally have a laugh
When you choose which character you play it has stats there with gametime.

I've got a playtime of just over a day, 26 hours complete. I see entirely no point myself in playing through with the same character a second time, for higher damage guns. a 300 damage uber revolver with lvl 35 enemies, or a 600 damage revolver with level 50 enemies where it ends up doing the same percentage damage. They could basically just give you the option at the start of the first game, option A, play with big numbers, option B, play with smaller numbers, option C, its the same either way you do it so play so randomly choose for me.

Trying to play through with a Hunter, just feels the same, but easier frankly. As I said before, the gun generating engine seems massively flawed and seems to favour giving out ridiculous revolvers compared to any other gun at any point. Being that Hunter can specialise in pistols, and in snipers which seem to be the second most useful gun in the game its a joke.

Its a huge shame that shotguns/combat rifles/rocket launchers seem completely pointless, launchers simply don't do the damage they should, 800ish is the highest damage I saw for a single rocket fire with a max rounds of 2 before a LONG reload. I had a revolver that would hold 9 that did 7x100 damage with each shot and reloaded in about a second plus had a scope.

As cool as the rocket launching shotgun sounds, its inaccurate and does awful damage and yet to see one with elemental damage :(

The thing about a game like this is, its sooo damn close to fantastic, which is far more frustrating than a crap game being no where near :p

THe biggest "flaw" though is building it up as some kind of uber long game where you NEED better guns and loot. Its too easy, you don't need the best gun and theres no "raid" style content where after the main story theres extra stuff you really need better weapons to take on.

DOesn't change it being a very enjoyable single player game, just not sure why anyone, not least themselves, are acting like its some kind of uber long looty grindy game.
Regarding the disappointing co-op experiences myself and others have been having I think what Tefal, Luw etc. did is a great idea. All start a character at the same time and only use them for co-op with the same bunch of people, thereby all staying at the same level/quests and getting good teamwork going.

So would anyone be up for doing this? Maybe get started today?

I'm happy to start a new character, wouldn't mind playing as Brick or the soldier - rather not go with Mord as he is my SP main.
I have a rocket launcher that does 980 dmg drunken, several machine guns that are good and some decent smgs as a hunter, as for the reload issue, well if you continue to use a gun its weapon proficeny goes up which in turns increases accuracy, power and reduces reload time, also as a hunter you can put points into the quicker reload which works with all guns.
Regarding the disappointing co-op experiences myself and others have been having I think what Tefal, Luw etc. did is a great idea. All start a character at the same time and only use them for co-op with the same bunch of people, thereby all staying at the same level/quests and getting good teamwork going.

So would anyone be up for doing this? Maybe get started today?

I'm happy to start a new character, wouldn't mind playing as Brick or the soldier - rather not go with Mord as he is my SP main.

I'll definitely be up for this but I don't think my copy is going to arrive until Tuesday :(
Barno - I wouldn't mind trying as I'm playing soldier in SP I wouldn't mind trying Hunter or Siren. Drop me a mail if you get interest for regular session or something?
Its a huge shame that shotguns/combat rifles/rocket launchers seem completely pointless,


I'm a hunter and i find shotguns to be insanely useful, especially in coop, where there's far too many enemies to kill before they start Nom'ing down on your face.

Not to mention i've found RL's to be fairly useful (3x348 dmg, (per 1 shot of ammo) with a 5 round clip, and they fly out in nice tight spiral like the unreal tournament rl) but they are meant to be used with brick as he gets considerably higher damage with them.
Barno - I wouldn't mind trying as I'm playing soldier in SP I wouldn't mind trying Hunter or Siren. Drop me a mail if you get interest for regular session or something?

Regular session would be good mate, I intend to keep this character just for co-op with the same bunch of people so we all stay aorund the same level/quests. Thats the idea anyway :)

Just need a couple more and we can get started.
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Sounds good mate, just need a couple more and we can get started :)

since midnights out today I'd be up for a slot if you got one going :p

co-op is so good i don't mind replaying the first part of the game loads, getting to later levels in coop will be freaking epic, going by how it's been so far.

Oh one tip we found essential was disable voice chat and use vent.

To disable voice chat:
Within WillowEngine.ini:
Search for "bHasVoiceEnabled" and you should come across the following line:


Change to FALSE.

oh and while you all get the quest reward they arn't all identical, like we all got slightly vairing looking, and stats tk waves, and we all got different sniper rifles from the same guy on a diff quest.

all roughly the same but with variation in stats.

you you can juggle them between you if one of you wants high ROf, or accuracy but lower damage etc :)

also being on steam helps as you can group text chat betfor hand to get everything sorted.
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if you want to play as hunter deffo disable aim assist (do this anyway tbh)

and disable mouse smoothing

To disable mouse smoothing:
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "bEnableMouseSmoothing" and you should come across the following line:


Change to FALSE. Should improve the feel of the mouse when looking around and navigating the UI.

you can actually do precision aim with the scope then :p

Loads of good fixes in this post
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