
Good tips Tefal, I'd already done the mouse smoothing but forgot about aim assist. Also fixed the FOV, disabled intro movies and made ctrl a hold to crouch button. All found here:

since midnights out today I'd be up for a slot if you got one going :p

co-op is so good i don't mind replaying the first part of the game loads, getting to later levels in coop will be freaking epic, going by how it's been so far.

Would be great to have you along this eve mate. What character do you fancy playing? I could go either Brick or Soldier, probably leaning to Brick atm.

As for vent have you got a server in mind?

One other thing, if anyone can help me with this, I'm running a 4890, E6600 @ 3.6 and 4GB ram and am getting between 45-60 fps at 1920x1200 and max settings. Thing is even with mouse smoothing disabled it doesn't feel that smooth. I was wondering if it might have something to do with using a high dpi mouse (deathadder) or maybe its just that the fps are jumping around a bit. I was expecting better performance tbh.
when we did it midnight set up a home server and that worked fine.

dunno how to do di though >.<

added you on steam btw barno
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yes but you can create one in game
I'm now at level 9, i can get him down to about half of his health, but as soon as he gets a few shots at me, I'm down.

tried tagging along online, but the only games i seem to be able to join are lvl 20+ doing missions miles a head of me, the others just time out :(
bonehead lvl 11 im only 7.

with the 60 damage sniper rifle you can one shot his sheilds from over the fence and then work him down to half health. but by the time you run around to kill him his sheilds are back and he seems to keep finding new guys to help him;)
Regular session would be good mate, I intend to keep this character just for co-op with the same bunch of people so we all stay aorund the same level/quests. Thats the idea anyway :)

Just need a couple more and we can get started.

I'd be game for starting a new char, free Tues evening.

What class is needed, currently only plaing a Soldier in SP, but happy to try any class :)
bonehead lvl 11 im only 7.

with the 60 damage sniper rifle you can one shot his sheilds from over the fence and then work him down to half health. but by the time you run around to kill him his sheilds are back and he seems to keep finding new guys to help him;)

you done the kill scar quest? do taht first if not. or nine toees if you haven't already.
Co-op new char starting at 7:15-7:30

Add ricorodreguez on steam and tefal12 on gamespy if interested.

2 slots left open we'll sort classes out when we got 4
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I've done both of them. These are the only two quests available, both level 10. I am level 9, have an TD22 Incendiary SMG and a CR2 Static Rifle

should be a piece of **** at lvl 9 with those guns shoot his shields off with the static then just burn him from behind cover on that bridge thing.

just come down the alley up the bridge jump acroos trto the other bit he can;t shoot you there just pop up shoot, take cover when your sheilds are down.
It's his bandits that are the problem, they always come to the sides and shoot me.

Just bought a GGN/V2 Rolling Sniper and a TCH Incendiary Rifle
I also have a ANS-200BS Standard Guerrilla Shield
Explosive MIRV grenade mod. along with the guns i mentioned earlier. Which combination should i use?

BTW i am a Siren, could that be what is hindering my progression?
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