
That boss is a right pain in the butt, died quite a few times when i did him Cpt

Edit: i can help out if needed tefal just say what class u want me in as long as it isnt hunter as ive got 1 at lvl 38-9
That boss is a right pain in the butt, died quite a few times when i did him Cpt

Have died twice so far and then had to make dinner. Will give it another go later on tonight. Also used up most of my ammo :(. Still enjoying the game my upgraded turret...heals and dishes out a lot of damage (corrosive)!
After (finally) solving my network issues I can safely say that this game is fantastic. Got a group of 5 friends and we rotate shifts, each hosting when we become the furthest behind.

Really enjoying Roland, the soldier class. Going for an infantry and medic route so my turret deals the damage whilst I run about healing people.

Solving the port forwarding problem was well worth it :D.
Finally got to experience proper co-op this evening and it was a real blast. Cheers Tefal, Last Kronin and pre - was good to get some proper teamwork going, although the less said about pre's driving the better :)

Be good to continue where we left off sometime in the week.
Tried to carry on with my lvl 22 hunter in sp and it's just boring now tbh:(

decided I'm going to finish the game the way it's meant to be played, through coop :D

I just hope the 2 teams we've got so far will be regular so we can progress :D
What's people experiences when playing co-op with differing levels? ie: If say 4 people played with skills 11, 15, 19, 23? Would it be a mess?
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