
Cant find any servers for this game, are you guys all playing single player?

I played a bit of MP but I found finding a game a bit of a chore. I'm wondering around New Haven and the Rust Commons at the moment (Level 23 hunter? - the sniper one anyway)

I like it but its a bit samey. Not as good as FO3.
I played a bit of MP but I found finding a game a bit of a chore. I'm wondering around New Haven and the Rust Commons at the moment (Level 23 hunter? - the sniper one anyway)

I like it but its a bit samey. Not as good as FO3.

I appreciate that the game might not be for you but it and FO3 are not comparable. It's like comparing a Prawn Cocktail with Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. Both are good but I wouldn't want a Prawn Cocktail for breakfast.
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I disagree, both games are FPS with RPG elements, you can compare them in terms of saying which game you think is better. Just like I can say that I think Crunchy Nut Cornflakes are better than Prawn Cocktail :)
both games are FPS with RPG elements

Which makes them as about as comparable as you can get. I would agree though that the MP feature isn't comparable - assuming you played more MP than SP you would probably feel they weren't comparable.

The MP didn't interest me. The SP I really like I just find some bits tedious - overpowered animals that drink ammo unless you get hit them bang on every time.
Moxxi's was awful imo. Pretty much skipped over it.

And I still don't agree with the comparison thing. Being an "FPS with RPG elements" is a hugely tenuous link. Borderlands is closer to Diablo in terms of similarity and FO3 closer to System Shock. Both of these comparisons are tenuous but both also have as much in common in terms of core mechanics.
Dunno about awful, the style of it was brilliant, but it got so incredibly repetitive. There was no real reason to make a game of 20 rounds = a game of 20 rounds * 5 waves making a grand total of 100 waves. Not to mention that there are THREE areas you need to do that in to get the reward and TWO Playthroughs to do it on to get the full 4 free skill points. Thats a ridiculous amount of time, average 60 seconds a wave and your looking at 10 hours at least just to get through them all.

Not to mention the bosses are pathetic with the exception of One Eyed Jack who tears you a new 1 without even trying.
And I still don't agree with the comparison thing. Being an "FPS with RPG elements" is a hugely tenuous link. Borderlands is closer to Diablo in terms of similarity and FO3 closer to System Shock. Both of these comparisons are tenuous but both also have as much in common in terms of core mechanics.

I don't see it as 'hugely tenuous':

-Both games are played from a first person perspective
-Both games feature you running around shooting things
-Both games feature a (relatively) open game world
-Both games feature multiple concurrent quests
-Both games feature an XP system and levelling up
-Both games feature skill points you can invest in skills
-Both games feature loot you collect
-Both games feature currency, buying/selling gear etc
-Both games feature NPCs
-Both games feature a wasteland environment quite extensively
-Both games feature fast travel

Also for the purposes of making a comparison, both games came out within the past couple of years, whereas Diablo and System Shock weren't even released this millennium, so it's an easier point of reference for 'newbie' PC gamers. If I had to choose some games to compare Borderlands to, FO3 would be one of them, and clearly there must be something in it since I'm not the only person to make the same comparison.

No, they are not two peas from the same pod, it's not like comparing say FIFA with PES. But equally when it comes to 'hybrid' games like this, it's not like there is a huge number of more fitting titles for comparison.
OK getting pretty peed off now, I was on the final stage of the Circle of Duty arena fight in the Knoxx DLC, took out loads of waves including 2 vehicles etc, but then there was one red dot right in the centre with no enemy in sight :/ So I had no choice but to quit the game. It was a totally epic battle to that point, my hand was literally aching from continually tapping the mouse button to loose off sniper riounds. We're talking like a 30min fight here. All for nothing, due to a goddamned bug :((((( :mad:

Something similar happened before in an earlier arena fight (no trigger to end it despite killing everyone so I was stuck). I was OK replaying that because it was probably only a few mins the fight, whereas the circle of duty is pretty hardcore, sometimes it takes like 20-30 sniper rounds to bring down a badass, and there's loads of them. It's totally killed my motivation now, I don't think I will touch the game again for a long time.
odds are he as i none of the shafts the jetbpackers come out fo you can shoot down into them through the shield.

happend once or twice when wme an squark did it.
So I finally got round to playing this on the 360 with my friend. It is a loot game and my god I love loot games, the yearn and need to get better loot it's like crack!

But I couldn't help but want to play it on the PC, it was great fun just chilling playing with my friend but still I'm a PC whore.
my friend said borderlands is Ok but theres better FPS's out there. is this true? i was awfully tempted to get it off steam at this cheap... a lot of good reviews. is the combat un realistic?
it's an fps/rpg which is best played with friends.
the story is crap
graphics are marmite
but if you like co-op games with loot and enjoy fps games then this is for you.
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