
Not too sure man, I think a few over in the Steam Summer Sale thread have purchased it, and it's number 2 on Steams Top Sellers under £7! Just make sure if you buy it, but the GOTY edition, as it's the same price as the normal one, but 4 dlcs.
Not too sure man, I think a few over in the Steam Summer Sale thread have purchased it, and it's number 2 on Steams Top Sellers under £7! Just make sure if you buy it, but the GOTY edition, as it's the same price as the normal one, but 4 dlcs.

Cheers mate on tip! :D Has to be worth £7

EDIT: Ignore I thought you said 4 discs
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Borderlands question


Have just bought Borderlands and think its brilliant. Can't believe I missed buying this one earlier.
Anyway, I've nearly completed the main story having done all the side quests as well. My question is should I finish the original game first before tackling the DLC from the GOTY edition or are you supposed to do these add ons first before embarking on the final missions?
As you can tell I'm new to downloading games, usually I just bought them in shops but the download prices in the sales were too tempting.

When you complete the main game you unlock New game + (which basically makes the mobs to be the same level as you on a new game) then do the DLC's because it makes them more challenging, but it is up to you really.

I started the DLC straight after completing the game and got bored cause it was to easy and I couldn't be arsed doing a new game + :p
I thought the dlc was kinda set for particular lvls, not all post main-game

Yea they are, just people do a new game+ before the DLC to make them more challenging and you get more insane gear rather then just doing the DLC after the game first time.

IIRC you can't do the first DLC till level 35 which is near the end of the main game anyway
you can do the DLCs either at level 69 or back at level 35 i do the DLCs at the end of each main game, they are set at the highest level cap for each playthrough, so dont try doing them at level 10 or say level 42 or you'll die very quickly, you wont even wound them.

its something like level 35 and then level 60 to 65, so watch out :)

when you're on level 69, Crawmerax is on level 75 and he is the hardest boss to kill in any game, i use God mode to fight him, you cant kill him on your own without it... having to kill Crawmerax is just plain stupid, he's way too hard to kill, it's not even a mental challenge or a good fight, it's just plain fuczing annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you get to level 69 on the Claptrap revolution DLC.
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The DLC fits in very badly with the levelling curve. Can't quite remember the zombie island now but I think it starts around lvl10-15 and will leave you massively over-levelled for the main game. As for Knoxx, its meant to be played after you finish the game (around lvl35?) but will leave you massively over-levelled for the start of playthrough 2. Not sure about the Claptrap, think it follows on level-wise from Knoxx.

And on PT2 things don't get much simpler. Knoxx is supposed to be done after the boss again but it doesn't scale properly, until you beat it once, then everything levels with you. Again I think Zed scales around lvl40-45 and I think Claptrap follows on from Knoxx again.

Main thing to remember is most enemies scale to your level after you beat the main game on the second playthrough, so that badass 5 levels below you before is now always 1 or 2 levels above you.
also if you kill Crawmerax, you dont get such good loot being dropped anymore (in the rest of the game), best loot is in the Claptrap DLC.

The more you kill Crawmerax the less good stuff he'll drop, mind you by then you'll probably be on level 69.

best shooter for guns ? yes i think so, especially the Shattering Mauler and the Detonating Cobra :D:D....

i dont think the 2nd game has a sniper !!!!! if so this is bad news, i'm not that crazy about the 2nd game, it looks as if they've gone a bit silly over it, mind you it'll be good for a laugh that's for sure
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I have finished the main game and finished the Clap trap robolution dlc.

I am currently doing the T-Bone junction one, but I tried to do the Zombie DLC first, but for some reason, when I fast travel to the location it doesnt load.

It just stays at the screen and sais loading.

Everyting else works, just not that DLC. I tried going in to steam and verifying my cache, didnt change a thing.

Any ideas? :confused:
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so, finished the game last night, enjoyed it but the final guy was rather easy.
Died once due to being flung back into the lava and drowning in it but that was a cyrstal monster. I just hid under a rock porch (for lack of a better word) and just went at him with a sniper rifle while throwing the turret out.

Only playing single player, not fussed about coop so is there any reason to play through again? Or is it worth looking at the DLCs? It does annoy me when DLCs are out so soon after the game is launched :(
Only playing single player, not fussed about coop so is there any reason to play through again? Or is it worth looking at the DLCs? It does annoy me when DLCs are out so soon after the game is launched :(

So soon after launch? You do know the game has been out for 3 years, right?

As for the DLCs being worth it, if you can find them cheap, yeah. I advise waiting for Christmas as they will be 75% off, or around that price. Can usually pick up the GotY edition which contains the base game + the DLC for £5. As for replaying the game, there's a playthrough 2 mode which increases the level of all the enemies and gives you better drops.

Moxxi's Underdome is one you can probably give a miss since it really needs to be played co-op for fun. The rest of the stuff is fine single player though.
If anyone wants to know how to fix chat history / messages log in Borderlands on PC, so here is solution:
1. Find the file "C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config\WillowGame.ini "
2. Open the file with a text editor (Something like notepad works great) and find the line "DefaultMessageDuration=7.0"
3. Change the "7" to the number in seconds you want messages to be displayed. (Use Control+F to open the Find Box and search for "defaultmessageduration" to find the line you want easily.)
Sorry for bumping old thread but thought I do that instead of starting a new one.

Being late to the party here but just started playing borderlands and only at lvl 8 so far. I am wondering if one should play through the main game first and do the DLC's after or should you mix them up ??
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