
You're level 27 now and not had a single legendary (orange) drop yet? It's been aeons since I played Borderlands 1 that I can't remember anything about the gun drops. I know I always used a Maliwan Hellfire and nothing else. I think I am going to fire it up and have a good old play again.
You're level 27 now and not had a single legendary (orange) drop yet? It's been aeons since I played Borderlands 1 that I can't remember anything about the gun drops. I know I always used a Maliwan Hellfire and nothing else. I think I am going to fire it up and have a good old play again.
Had a couple Orange but they were of so low level that what I had was of better quality. Got a couple purple and some blue. My sniper rifle is a white one though, but it one shoots them most of the time, does over 300 damage per shoot, but is a bit on the slow side for next shoot. it is all good fun though, trying to find something better then what one have. Always does a run through certain crate locations.

And just recently, I found a Scavenger Class Mod, purple one, level 22, the stats are: +3 Team Scavenge Extra Items, +2 Swipe Skill, +3 Ransack Skill, +2 Out for Blood Skill and +4 Team Health Regeneration. And it bloody awesome, right after I found it I went and killed the Rakkinishu again, and he dropped more then the time before. Also, getting more items from piles and the big green boxes. Can't wait and see how things will be once I get some skill points into Swipe, Ransack and Blood skill as well. (So yeah, basiclly right now only using it for the Health Regeneration and Scavenge Extra Items. :p )

I am not grinding the areas for better weapons though I heard that is common. Well, unless one can call running around to certain Chests each time one start the game, for grinding, if so, I guess I do a little bit of grinding. :o (Never killed same boss twice though just for better drops, I take what's given to me.)

Edit: Here is a picture of it I forgot I took, showing comparison with the class mod I was using at the time and which I bought some time ago.
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I love the class mods. Getting a purple class mod was more exciting than an orange gun for me. You need to keep looking out for a 660 class mod which are the best ones IIRC.
That's some hardcore introduction to M+K! BL2 still holds up really well. It's like crack to me :p
it was one of a few games installed that i could create a new character that would not interfere with his brothers games.

yeah was surprised how good they look. b1 must be close to 10 years since it was released now??
You're level 27 now and not had a single legendary (orange) drop yet? It's been aeons since I played Borderlands 1 that I can't remember anything about the gun drops. I know I always used a Maliwan Hellfire and nothing else. I think I am going to fire it up and have a good old play again.

i think it's just randomly based on rank of chest, and number of chests opened, although i swear there's extra weighting by zones (for example to reduce chance of good stuff in easy chest locations)

that said, i have opened low level loot chests in easy locations and got legendaries before, so maybe its just chance.

shame there's no slot machines in bl1, once you hit a certain peak then there's not much use for cash.
shame there's no slot machines in bl1, once you hit a certain peak then there's not much use for cash.

Yeah in the first two games I had money coming out of my ears but in TPS, I was putting all my weapons in to the Grinder. Not that it did much good really. I had barely a $ in that game all the way through.
Yeah in the first two games I had money coming out of my ears but in TPS, I was putting all my weapons in to the Grinder. Not that it did much good really. I had barely a $ in that game all the way through.

i can't believe i didn't notice the important point of moxxi's smg's in bl2, well worth the price of admission for a syren build with no other healing.

just picked up the pre sequel and all the head hunter stuff for bl2 in the sale there, looking forward to giving it a go when i get the time
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