there ya go.
ordered chaos tree for fast reloads, full anarchy stacks (each kill/combat reload=+1.75% damage -1.75% accuracy up to 400 stacks) and the deathtrap swipe ability
then what you can see on the freinds forever tree, basically each kill gives deathtrap +5s combat time and extra melee damage, he has his explosive clap and close enough means bullets ricochet into enemies (which at 400 stacks of anarchy is about the only way to hit anything)
the little big trouble tree is pretty much all elemental damage focused, bit given how elemental focused my siren build was i figure'd i'd go for something a bit different.
not using entropy yet, i've rebound the reload key to o to keep maximum damage (being addicted to reloading), i plan to max out the best freinds forever tree then maybe look into ordered chaos. i'm trying to build to make deathtrap the crowd control/boss ads metal shield, and gaige herself to be the heavy hitter.
weapons wise my primary is a purple torgue shotgun, nothing special just a truckload of high damage projectiles, i have a couple of others (fibber, kitten and dahliminator) but pretty much use the shotgun for everything.
by my calculations, at full 400 stacks you get 700% damage per hit, if it has to ricochet it's only a mere 350% damage but a guaranteed hit (and for some reason means torgue guns can get crits), multiply that by 16 pellets at 703 damage per pellet means worst case i'm averageing 8 pellets at 2460 damage per pellet guaranteed hits.