
I wouldn't worry about it too much - the Physx present in BL2 adds little to the gameplay if anything. It has a poor implementation apparently which can hog resources iirc. I have to be careful with my 970GTX due to the 3.5GB VRAM thing :s

Hmm, I'm not sure. I've watched videos on YouTube and the addition of blood and particles flying about does make the game a lot better looking.

Does it make any difference if you play offline? Some posts in the GeForce forum suggest this might help. Others say it doesn't work properly post 600-series GPUs. But why newer GPUs should mess it all up, I have no idea.
Bought Borderlands 2 goty edition today and it constantly locked up at various stages in the menu screen. First game I've had that happen with for about a decade. Refunded and all good let's hope bl3 behaves!

Unlucky! :(

Wonder why though :s

//edit: Quick google says it's Physx AGAIN! :mad:
Done a quick bit of BL2 looking to test something else altogether but decided to turn Physx on. Besides the obvious issues with terrible framerates honestly the effects flat out look stupid (way too many particles) and worse still the amount of flags that suddenly appear when it's turned on make it look like you're at a sodding festival! GTF out of my way! :mad:

I stand by my verdict - not worth it!

(research says it works well on 600 series nvidia cards but little else....)
And this might be a stupid question but... what happens if you run this game on a Radeon? Can it process nVidia PhysX or do you just get nothing?
And this might be a stupid question but... what happens if you run this game on a Radeon? Can it process nVidia PhysX or do you just get nothing?

if you keep physx on low then it runs pretty reliably, if you put physx onto any major level it just dumps all the load onto the cpu and it'll slow the hell out of the game.

hell i've been running it on a laptop i5 with igp, with medium textures and low everything else it looks incredible and is playable.
I always thought the first game was the best out the lot, specific weapons dropped for each class which encouraged sharing of the best loot because some loot was useless to you depending on your class.
They got rid of that in BL2.
You thinking of weapon proficiencies? It's merely been streamlined into Class Mod's and the skill tree's really. I certainly don't miss it and with the change in how loot is dropped you need to be able to use any gun although certain weapons will give better results depending on skills!
I always thought the first game was the best out the lot, specific weapons dropped for each class which encouraged sharing of the best loot because some loot was useless to you depending on your class.
They got rid of that in BL2.

not so much, sure any class can from ground zero adapt to any given weapon style, but once you've chosen a road to go down then you end up pigeon hole'd into that weapon.

plus some classes still generically suit certain weapons
Ok slowly but surely getting the hang of Psycho - Wildlife Preservation is still such a great map - Pimon and Tumbaa even showed up.

funny i found it hellish the first time i played through, but then that was a badly specced gunzerker build who wasnt tank enough to fight the bigger stuff head on, and not accurate enough to play whack a mole at long ranges
So, with Borderland 1 being bit restricted in certain area's, like showing exactly how much money you have I decided to use google to see if I could find it out somehow, since I was curious. :p

Seems only way was to use a save editor for the game, called WillowTree (which you guys probably already know about). Downloaded it and it did show how much money I had and quiet a bit more info, exactly what you wearing in backpack and what's in your bank, all quests you done and so on.. in any case, found out to my surprise that I had 23 million+ on me, which is quiet a bit more then I thought I would have. Decided to do a test run in New Haven, just looting the chests there and some lockers. After having sold the weapons I found out that that run gave me 775k in the pocket and now I realize why I am having so much cash on me ! :eek: :p

So I think I am going to change my strategy and carry more elemental weapons and class mods on me, and switch around depending on the circumstances and only pick up any superior weapon then what I am currently carrying around. Unless someone is going to tell me you going to need xxx millions to buy this super duper weapon from xxx later on in the game ?! :p :p
Whachoo on about? The money is displayed in one of the menu pages. :confused:

(And if it's not it will be displayed when you are at a vending machine.) :p
Whachoo on about? The money is displayed in one of the menu pages. :confused:

(And if it's not it will be displayed when you are at a vending machine.) :p
After you have more then 10 million, it only shows 9,999,999 in BL 1.. in BL 2 you see how much you have no matter the amount though.
So I think I am going to change my strategy and carry more elemental weapons and class mods on me, and switch around depending on the circumstances and only pick up any superior weapon then what I am currently carrying around. Unless someone is going to tell me you going to need xxx millions to buy this super duper weapon from xxx later on in the game ?! :p :p

nope, in bl1 once you get past a certain stage money is pretty much useless.

in bl2 they fixed it by giving you one armed bandits where you could get rid of all that cash for various prizes (weapons, eridium, character skins etc)
nope, in bl1 once you get past a certain stage money is pretty much useless.

in bl2 they fixed it by giving you one armed bandits where you could get rid of all that cash for various prizes (weapons, eridium, character skins etc)
Yeah I figured it would be and seen the one armed bandit on Gopher's playthrough of BL2 that he is doing with friends. Also noticed that sometimes some of those one armed bandits spits out a live grenade ! :eek:

And my thought of skipping the white weapon chests didn't last long.. well, skipped them in New Haven, and went straight to do some quests in Rust Common West and by pure reflex opened a white chest there...


So after having found the above I just had to check the white one in New Haven as well.... I mean.. I just had to.. just couldn't take the chance, you know... :o

First white in New Haven I opened....

Second one...

Now, the 2 in New Haven isn't as good as what I am carrying, but still. 3 Legendary and all from White Chests... bloody randomised game drops :rolleyes: :p .. I am however keeping the first one, even if the shotgun I am using is better but that ammo regenerating thing is just to good to pass up on. :p
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