Bought an old BMW M3, filled with regret...

Thats what i do just use an 04 peugeot 206 for work as a run around, ie the workhorse. I only break out the m3 when its weekend or nice in weather in the week sometimes, keeps the mileage down also.
Lol I commute by foot and boat, yet still managed 20k miles in the first 16 months!
The i3 I had for a weekend was pretty damn good. My only gripe was the 75 miles it gets from a charge, which is wee poor. I'm sure by the time I do get one the range will be much greater, and the prices will be much cheaper across the board.

You won't see me in a Prius!

I have enabled brake force display now for the outer tail light LEDs. No reason not to really, an additional level of visibility during hard/emergency braking. I have also found an XP laptop at work, so will get the B Cables software package installed on it and get to work enabling M Track mode. Was going to (retry) VM(ing) it, but as this XP machine turned up at work, this is the best option for now. Oh and the faulty PDC? Fixed itself... :rolleyes: :p
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I have enabled brake force display now for the outer tail light LEDs. No reason not to really, an additional level of visibility during hard/emergency braking. I have also found an XP laptop at work, so will get the B Cables software package installed on it and get to work enabling M Track mode. Was going to (retry) VM(ing) it, but as this XP machine turned up at work, this is the best option for now. Oh and the faulty PDC? Fixed itself... :rolleyes: :p
What software package do you need for that? The only reason I ask is the b cables setup I bought the other month installs all the tools on windows 10 and so far everything has worked that I've used. I'll check later what they provided, I've only dabbled with INPA, DIS and NCS Expert so far.
I'm using Carly for BMW (app). The latest bcables software package is made for Windows 10 so that works fine, but us older package owners must pay to upgrade to the new suite :/
The i3 I had for a weekend was pretty damn good. My only gripe was the 75 miles it gets from a charge, which is wee poor. I'm sure by the time I do get one the range will be much greater, and the prices will be much cheaper across the board.

Have you had a go in a P90D? I'm hoping to test one out at some stage...
Not yet. but too much power for a basic daily and as a 2nd car really! Anything that delivers i3 like power is perfect for my uses. It's plenty fast up to motorway speed.
Everyone seems put off by the price of carly (£70 quid including the app), but it's so convenient, and at the moment, it works on both mine and the Mrs car (albeit I had to get a bluetooth dongle as well as the usb lead)..
It's not just an app you install on one device and use it on one car, it's with you for life and the developer is always updating it to support newer cars and adding new features. So potentially it will last an entire lifetime. That is well worth the price IMO since it does so much.

Consider you would otherwise pay £40 or so to some bloke to code stuff for you, or reset a warning light for diagnostics purposes and so on.
No that's specifically something that you enable using NCS Expert or maybe INPA iirc.
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